A Very Touching Saga

by DakotaRed 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Gopher: "we definitely can appreciate and support those who fight for our freedom."

    "Those who have been immersed in the tragedy of massive death during wartime, and who have faced it squarely, never allowing their senses and feelings to become numbed and indifferent, have emerged from their experiences with growth and humanness greater than that achieved through almost any other means."
    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

    Edited by - onacruse on 26 October 2002 11:41:52

  • DannyBear


    Along with the other's, I salute your service to the country. Iam a firm believer in the undisputed fact, that we owe our freedom of expression, and very life styles to the men who sacrificed it all, on the battlefields.

    So, you must of become a jw sometime in the late 70's eh? 1975 sounded pretty good to guy coming back from that hellish arena, Iam sure.

    While you guys were doing the dirty work for us, I was pioneering to keep my 'minister' exemption. Iam ashamed of it now, and to old to volunteer, so the only thing I can do is, offer my support and applause.


  • DakotaRed

    Danny, actually I didn't become involved with the JWs until the late 80s. I was still in the Army during 1975 and only heard a small portion of that being announced in the news when it failed.

    Craig, the quote you supplied really touched me, thanks. I'm going to share that with my buddies.

    Not one of the guys I served with consider ourselves heroes, though. True, we look at other individuals as heroes, but look to ourselves as just doing a dirty job that needed done. The mismanagement and outcome is a different story. Today, I look to those like Yerusalym and Maximumflash and hope and pray that it doesn't come to another war. If it does, I am thankful that there are still people like them willing to step up and fight for us all. You guys are in my prayers and thoughts.

    Lew W

  • Perry

    Thanks for reminding us of the price of freedom Lew. Now that I'm out of the borg...I have a whole new appreciation for our country and our way of life that our soldiers protect at great personal cost, even the ultimate price.


  • bikerchic


    Thanks for that post. It was irronic that today I recieved an email from an old HS bud of mine telling me he has an etching from The Wall in Washington of my brother's name.

    My brother gave his life in Nam in 1970 he was only 21 years old. No one could give more than their life for their country. It does make me stop and realize just how fragil life is and how precious it is, I miss my brother almost daily, today even moreso.


    PS Check your email

  • DakotaRed


    I received your email and had no idea you lost a brother during that time. I was in Vietnam during that same time, half of '69 and all of '70. Spent my 21st and 22nd birthdays there.

    Just know that your brother will never be forgotten by those of us who served and many millions of others.

    Lew W

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