proof of a "higher power"?

by Shakita 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    I spoke with my brother on the phone last night. He lives in Houston, Texas and just loves it down there. He lived in NJ most of his life, but now would never live anywhere else but in the Great State of Texas! brother was hit by a car back when he was a teenager while running across an exit ramp on a major highway in North Carolina(on his way to a concert in Georgia-secretly) He was hit so hard by that car that he flew up on the hood, then bounced off and hit the road in front of the car that hit him! He had broken both of his legs and smashed up both knees so bad that they required pins to hold them together. He has pain till this day in his knees. He ended up in a body cast up to his chest for about 4 months!

    The point of this story is.....when he was brought to the hospital, and admitted to a room, he found himself next to a man who was apparently dying. While my brother was in this room alone with this poor man, he saw a bright light appear in the room near the man's bed and saw a blurry figure at the foot of the bed. There was a calming presence about this figure and my brother was not afraid. He says he knows that this was Jesus' presence there at the foot of the man's bed. I'm not sure how much time passed, but the light was soon gone along with the figure and the calming feeling. The nurse came into the room right after that and announced that the man had died. But, my brother already knew that. He knew that Jesus came and stood at the foot of the bed of this poor man to be there when he died.

    My brother is not, and never was, very religious. He believes in God but never really talks about it that much. But he knows what he saw and knows what he remembers about that time in the hospital. He is convinced he saw Jesus and will swear the incident was not drug induced.

    Also, my mother was very close to her mother(my grandmother). When my grandmother died, my mother was inconsolable. Her grief was something that she could not seem to shake. My mother told me that one day when she was still very sad, she was standing in the living room and saw a light and felt a calming presence in the room. She said that she knew it was her mother coming to tell her that everything was OK and to stop grieving for her. My grandmother said to be happy and go on with her life. My mother said this was real for her. She never doubted that she was visited by her mother from beyond.

    I truly believe that my brother and mother were telling these stories from the heart. They felt that they were in the presence of some "higher power" who was watching out for us here on the earth.

    My question is........has anyone else here, or anyone you know, had anything similar happen to them in their lives?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Dia

    You and your brother might enjoy reading Dr. Melvin Morse's book, Closer to the Light. It's astonishingly wonderful and will give him a peaceful mind and confirmation of what he experienced.

    My best to you and thank you for your story.

  • Shakita

    Thanks Dia. I will tell him about the book. But, he is at peace with what he saw and is convinced that he saw Jesus. His wife died after about 5 years of marriage from brain cancer. This experience in his early life made that horror that they both went through with the brain cancer easier for them to handle. Sometimes I wish I could have the faith that they have/had.


  • Francois

    Another book recommendation. This one is the grandaddy of them all: Moody's "Life After Life" and there was a followup to that too. This book will likely be hard to find. But there are hundreds of such happenings.

    Ask a heart specialist, or any other type of doctor that sees a lot of death. They all have stories like that.

    There is definitely something next IMO after reading this kind of book.


  • gumby


    I sure hope you are right, or at least those in this field are right. It's nice to know it isn't "over when it's over"

    I think I'll spend part of the day @ Barnes and Nobel. I'm looking for material of similar thought.

  • Shakita

    Thanks for the book recommendation Francois. I will look it up.

    What is interesting in my brother's case is that he was not the one with the "near death experience." He was just an observer to it. Anyone ever hear of this?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Robdar

    Mrs. Shakita,

    I saw my grandmother pass in a similar way. I do not want to go into much detail but I do want to say that that is the day I stopped being an atheist. I have always been rather silent about my experience. But it changed my whole life.



  • freedom96

    My mom had an experience, where she was praying for guidence, and saw Jesus. I do believe it can happen.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I believe in angels. I was having a tough time after my father's suicide. I had horrible nightmares that woke me up in the night, making me cry uncontrollably. I was even hospitalized because of all the trumoil it had caused within myself and my family. At the time my mother was dying of breast cancer also. It seemed to be too much for me to take at that time.

    One night I had a dream. It was so real. I dreamed my father came and sit down beside me and took my hand. We were both crying and he proceeded to tell me how sorry he was. He said that he would have never taken his life if he had known how bad it would have hurt me.

    It was out of his character to ever say he was sorry for anything. To this day, I can't help but think it was a angel coming to me to give me comfort. Not sure if it was my dad or not, but whatever it was, it gave me a sense of comfort, a hint that in some way, he regreted his actions.

    Maybe one day, we'll have all the answers to all these questions. I'd like to believe that there is something out there. Something bigger than what our minds can comprehend. Even though I find myself with questions about God, angels, afterlife, I try to live a honest and decent life. I try to be a good person and treat others the way I'd like to be treated. I hope that will count for something one day.

  • Buster

    I remember driving home with my first wife - she was crying up a storm. She had just seen proof that there was a God. "Proof" you say? Yup, we were on our way back from a Barry Manilow concert - he was her proof.

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