Seeing Problem

by Undecided 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Undecided, those flashes of light are a dead giveaway for detached vitreous.

    Suggest you ask about a complete intraocular lens replacement.


  • Robdar


    Do not wait, go to an opthamologist right away. Sounds like a detached retina. My friend had a similar problem. It will only get worse and the doc may not be able to fix it if you wait.

    I wish you well.




    I've had instances of what you describe occasionally for close to forty years. I'll have episodes five or six times a year. Mine usually last anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes. No pain for me either. It's just really annoying, especially when I'm trying to get work done. I've never had it checked out, but then I'm one of those guys who goes to a doctor's office only if someone drags me or I think my life is in immediate danger.

  • Been there
    Been there


    I get migrains occasionaly. They begin with what you describe. I can't see straight ahead and I have what I call a light worm in my line of vision. It is there with my eyes open or closed. If I take a couple asprins at the first sign of vision problems I can stop the headache to just a sting. After the light worm the flashing lights start. They are crisp and clear at first then spread out, dim and fade. This all takes about a half an hour. After the flashing lights fade out the headache starts. I have heard of people having migrains without pain. They are caused by blood vessels in the brain contracting and exspanding. The visual disturbance is in the brain, not the eyes, that's why it is there when your eyes are closed. They are a strange creature. Thankfully I don't get them too often. Even if I can stop one, my head is swimmy for a couple days.

    Do go see your eye doctor though and have your eyes checked making sure to let him know about the problem. Detached retinas are usually very sudden, not gradual, usually described as shooting stars in the vision. Vision can sometimes be saved if given immediate attention.

    Floaters can obstruct vision. They are harmless but annoying. Usually if one gets into your field of vision if you look hard to either side it will move out of the way.

  • Undecided

    I do have floaters in my right eye recently. They also get dry and I put drops in to help. I once had a virus in my eye about 40 years ago and once or twice it has come back, it never can be killed. You have to use drops for about a week or more and it gradually goes away. It eats your eye surface and can cause blindness if you don't get your drops. All this because Adam ate some old fruit 6000 years ago.

    Ken P.

  • JosephMalik


    You need to see a specialist. Sounds like you have some bleeding causing the floaters. Vitamins like Baush and Lomb's Occuvite may help for a time but this is not something to fool with. Go to a MD support site like for more information. And do something about it quick.


    Edited by - JosephMalik on 26 October 2002 19:42:22

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