Interesting discussion on the 20 notions, to which I can not really add that much.
But along the same lines, I would like to suggest a 21st and 22nd. And I don't mean to close the topic at that number if anyone would want to add a 23rd, 24th or n. But here goes:
A hypothesis is either the origin of a theory or pursuit of the consequences of exploring it results in one, maybe more. Considering that so much of JW and Evangelistic application of the Bible is prophetic in an emphatic sense ( e.g., chunking the VHF/UHF digital channels and listening for a moment to TV evangelists or reading a WT), then it might be worth while to reflect on the fact that prophesies or predictions are based on hypotheses either of reading a text or observing nature. In nature, if we were to watch the sun and moon change position for a number of years against the background of fixed stars, we could either come up with hypotheses or theories and predict an eclipse, We could have a hypothesis that the they would collide ( sun and moon equal size at equal distance) or one will pass in front of the other ( sun behind moon or moon behind sun). When one or the other occurs, certain hypotheses are eliminated and we are also no longer dealing with predictions ( prophecies) because the event has come to pass.
So, where am I leading with all this:
21, The Documentary Hypothesis.
22. Post dated or ex eventu descriptions
On this last one a hint and citation: Isaiah 14:22:23 which figured prominently in the "What the Bible Really Teaches" pamphlet that I was asked to study. I did. So far as I could tell, the event happened all right, but it was during Isaiah's lifetime, undertaken by Sennacherib, a hundred and fifty years before the era in which I was supposed to believe it had happed ( via Cyrus) and had not.