XJW web sites

by ballistic 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    If you had unlimited skills, time and web space and cost was no object, what kind of XJW web site would you build and why? Do you think there is a need for more types of site? I ask this as part of my market research for building a site. I do not wish to host a message board (would you seeing what Simon has to put up with?) and I also do not wish to duplicate what on the net already.

    I was thinking of doing a site dedicated to the blood issue as this is something which has affected my family and I find the teaching particularly disturbing. I think there is an argument for specialisation as it allows peoople to find what they want in a search engine and go straight to it.

  • Valis

    hey ballistic..You are referring to metatags. here's a link that explains them and how to insert them into the html of your web pages.


    District Overbeer

  • pettygrudger

    If you build it, they will come.........

    Actually, I haven't seen any sites dedicated to the blood issue, and I'm sure that is one that has affected 1000's.

    Silent Lambs website (although it definitely needs an upgrade) is a very good one for an example. It gives alot of good information out to help those who are suffering from whatever circumstances, while at the same time allowing others to post their stories (which can be very theraputical).

  • Trauma_Hound

    Well the first thing I would have, is well defined rules.

  • Valis

    Oh I forgot...the most important feature of any worthy XJW site..boobies


    District Overbeer

  • ballistic

    Valis, I happened to notice there's a lot of web sites already devoted to boobies and things.

  • Gedanken

    There's a huge site devoted to blood:


  • expatbrit


    There are a lot of xjw websites out there. They contain a massive amount of information. A lot of it is very good.

    But, that information is completely useless if no-one knows

    • a) that it exists, and
    • b) how to find it.

    It's like trying to find something in the Encyclopaedia Britannica when the index is missing.

    I think an index site would be enormously useful. A site people could go to when they were looking for info. on a particular JW issue (e.g. Malawi), look up the subject in the index and get a bunch of links to the best of the already existing material on the web.


  • ballistic

    Yes expat, someone I know has just been on a course for a week costing 5000 pounds about how to get listed at the top in various internet searches. The info is like gold apparently. It's all about getting your site listed at the top.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    interesting idea expat. an index that would link so many of the pages together. I know there are sites with lists of websites but little info on what they contain but an index would enable a person to get the right link hmmmmmmmm

    almost sounds like a job for undisfellowshipped.

    If someone wants to collect material I don't have a problem putting it up if they don't know how.

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