i definitely feel that something must be done to warn our neighbors as to the potential danger of those going to their doors in sheeps clothing. . . .
fliers will work but as long as they are promoted, it takes time to spread these around. . .
as far as walking around and behind the r&f, with picket signs and such, while they are going door to door, will only promote negativity. it will be a classic example of us and them. we dont need that. . .
we are wanting to do a justice for our community on many levels, the more educated and organized that we come across the more serious we will be taken. . .
i strongly agree that the way to topple this giant, is to start at the bottom, lets start slowing the work down by notifying the neighbors and the authorities, several of these "attacks" will cause a stir, and if we do it right and do it nationally and eventually globally, which we will in turn, in time not only will it cause an effect in "sales" at the WT, but they will not have enough lawyers to keep up, IF we do this right. . . .
down for the revolution