by TerryWalstrom 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TerryWalstrom

    Over here on the LEFT we have a Governing Body which is inspired directly by Jehovah to receive His instructions for how to worship and interpret the Bible accurately.

    On the other hand, on the RIGHT we have a Governing Body which isn't inspired nor directed by Jehovah, but which is making the best guesses they can make as mere humans as to proper worship and Bible interpretation.

    Here is our Thought Experiment.

    What differences would we see or would have seen in the last 100 years of JW teaching in EACH instance,

    and how would they DIFFER?

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    If the GB was inspired by God, the generation that saw/understood what 1914 meant, would not be dead.
  • Finkelstein

    As in the case of the long list of GB members this organization has had, I would say no difference for they've all been indoctrinated by the organization's previous GB members who were self ordained and avowed in devotion to the same Watchtower Corporation.

    This organization was built upon repulsion of the teaching doctrines and practices of the big institution such as the Catholics. They proclaimed that they were false and that they on the other hand had the true bible interpretation and were duly selected by god because its trustfulness and appeal to righteous worship in accordance with the bible.

    Of course the reality is this organization made and built itself up from its false doctrines and teachings. The other reality is god never inspired these men or any other men to that effect, they were inspired by themselves for themselves. As for the GB of the WTS, the publishing house which is at the core operation of the organization which they are the top executive directors .

  • sir82

    Over here on the LEFT we have a Governing Body which is inspired directly by Jehovah

    Ha ha! You evil apostate, you thought you could trick us!

    Every JW knows that the GB is spirit-directed, which is utterly, completely and absolutely 100% different than spirit-inspired.


  • opusdei1972
    If they were sincere, they would admit that the Gospels themselves prove that Jesus was a false prophet, because he prophesied that his generation would not pass until his coming in power.
  • TerryWalstrom

    To my way of thinking. . . the GOVERNING BODY should function like a bucket brigade which only due to human error

    spills some of the water now and then.

    I think of one of those old Western towns where a fire breaks out and the townsfolk line up and pass

    the buckets filled with water from one end to the other end.

    A bucket brigade simply transfers water from the water source to the fire itself.

    THAT SPILLED WATER you see could be thought of as "missing" information.
    The volume of water is diminished by the spill, but the water which arrives at the fire is still completely WATER!

    Now compare the above illustration with the way the GOVERNING BODY of JW's "channels" Truth in their own

    version of the BUCKET BRIGADE.

    What starts out as water at the source (Jehovah's water of life) reaches the other end as kerosene instead!


  • Finkelstein

    The first bucket didn't contain water, it contained kerosene , the GB created an outward appealing illusion that it was pure life saving water .

  • umbertoecho

    I cannot see how they suddenly arrived in this form of GB. They are a young relgion using the research of older established religions to form doctrine. I just can't believe in any sort of "spirit direction" that they claim. Even this claim is Catholic, the resurrection is Catholic, or was. They have taken many of the hard core approaches that Catholicism use to contain critics. One of those methods is to denounce any form of questioning or asking for evidence. I'm happily comparing some of the Catholic methods of indoctrination with those that the society and others have adopted. Some methods are identical.

    I can't even begin to believe these GB. It feels like a lie to me. It is completely false.

  • Finkelstein

    If the Watchtower Light had really been turned on by Jehovah, this organization would never made so many false doctrines and false biblical teachings, but they did say that that god had chosen them so I guess to some that was enough.

    The GB today are just men basking in the power and money the organization has acquired over the years, they have their own inspired obligation unto themselves to retain the power structure of the organization that supports and elevates their lofty position.

  • TerryWalstrom

    THIS CLAIM on the part of the GB is rather similar, I think, to the Magician's trick of SAWING A WOMAN IN HALF.

    If you accept the premise you must trust your own eyes as well as the words of the Magician as they explain what it is they are "apparently" doing.

    This is the "evidently" part of the illusion.

    The trick consists of sawing through a box containing a woman. The saw is real, the woman is real and the box is real.

    There is, however, a lie. The woman's torso slips down into a special space beneath the backrest so that the saw doesn't really touch the torso.

    The point is this. Everything looks and sounds plausible. But, the illusion is carried off because the one part of the trick which is MISREPRESENTED is what makes it work.

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