How is this for you?
In the WT Jan 15, 2003:
Faith strengthens the Depressed
God's word also shows that even those who exercise faith may become victims of depression. During his severe test, Job felt that God had abandoned him. (Job 19:2-5) The devastated state of Jerusalem and its walls made Nehemiah gloomy. (Neh. 2:1-3) So devastated was Peter after denying Jesus that he "wept bitterly". (Luke 22:62) And Paul urged fellow believers in the congregation in Thessalonica to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls." (1 Thess 5:14) Therefore, depression on the part of those exercising faith today is not without parallel. What, then, can we do to cope with depression?
We may be depressed because we are facing several serious problems. Instead of viewing them as one major plight, we may be able to resolve them one at a time by applying Bible principles. This may help to lessen our depression. Balanced activity and adequate rest may also be helpful. One thing is sure: Faith in God and his word promotes spiritual well-being because it strengthens our convicition that he really cares about us.
Peter give this comforting assurance: "Humble yourselves.....under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; while you throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6,7) The psalmist sang: "Jehovah is giving support to all who are failing, and is raising up all who are bowed down." (Psalm 145:14) We should believe these assurances, for they are found in God's Word. While depression may persist, how faith strengthening it is to know that we can cast all our anxiety upon our heavenly father!
(that is the end of the subheading about depression; the next one, Faith and Other Trials, discusses tests of our faith when we or our loved ones suffer SERIOUS ILLNESS.)
THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME BOILING MAD AT THE WT. They will not come out and honestly say that depression is not a serious medical issue; they infer that if you get your rest, divide your problems and just BELIEVE that God cares for you, you can get through it.
And then the very next subheading discusses SERIOUS illness. I guess I would say that depression, even when it does not lead to suicide, is a very serious illness and treatable with medication.
The society, though, as usual, speaks out of both sides of it's mouth. It pays lip service to depression by mentioning how some get medical help (on the back page of WT 3/1/03), but then implies that many feel better just when they get more spiritually minded and make more meetings. One sentence mentions it; it does not encourage medical help, or plead with depressed ones to get help, or help them to see that it is no shame to get medical help; it just mentions it. One sentence. The rest of the page, three long paragraphs, is the experience of a beautiful young woman holding the NWT who prayed that God would end her life; no suicide attempt here, just sick of living. Then she reads the 2002 YB and says it encouraged her tremendously.
I see this as misdirection; it brings up depression, mentions that SOME get help from medical treatment to "alleviate the suffering" and then goes on to give this very unusual experience with depression. People that I know of who have depression would be happy if that were the end of it; most I know have tried EVERYTHING to feel better, and laugh at this simplistic view: JUST READ OUR PUBLICATIONS and you will feel better!!!!
SO, there is your current view of depression anyway from the brilliant minds from Brooklyn.
I really abhor these guys; it's okay, though, because they have told me it's OK to hate WHAT IS BAD.