When I was a young pioneer, reaching out for ministerial servant, I was asked by the elders to talk to a fellow pioneer (and M.S.) about his hygiene. Quite frankly, he smelled. I had to tell him that no one wanted to work with him in service or sit with him at meetings because of his odor and his shabby clothing. I was asked to bring him to a clothing store to buy new clothes too. He was quite offended by our discussion and at first he refused to do anything about this matter. I informed the elders. They told him that if he didn't regularly bathe and get some new, clean clothes they were going to remove him from his privleges. He did all that was asked of him and now nearly 30 years later he still wears the same clothing and still smells the same way. And he's sill a regular pioneer/M.S......Have you ever had to talk to someone about an embarrassing problem?
Have You Ever Had To Tell Someone They STINK???
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, then I saw where they lived. Whew! I taught them how to clean, do laundry, how to hang up their clothes, and a basic hygiene routine. I did inspection stops weekly, then monthly, then every 2 months. They came from a very chaotic home that was dirty where no one's hygiene would win an award. This person does pretty well now with a little assistance.
When I was a teenager, one sister was DF'd because her house was so bad. Her children were taken by Children Services because of the unhealthy atmosphere.
I'm surprised this person stayed a regular pioneer/MS. Shows that some elders lack courage or they were desperate for MS in the congregation. I would never let that person in my car.
Minimus you stink.
When I was newly baptised, I hung around with a few sisters who had also been bible studies of the same pioneer who had brought me in. One was in her forties and always seemed to be energetically doing something. She was married and had three daughters, if I remember correctly. The woman did not wear deodorant and it was very, very evident. She didn't shave her armpits either. I couldn't hurt her feelings, but I did get up the courage to make her a gift of cologne and deodorant. I know she didn't use them, at least around me. I figured if her husband could stand it, who was I to tell her she had royal bo.
OMG minimus, what a post!
In all my years as a JW, I never had to counsel anyone on their BODYODOR!
Of course, I was a lowly female. Counsel that important was usually left to the brothers to handle! I think I do remember a scripture dealing with not offending your brothers by smelling like a rotting onion!
You know who should have been counseled were the women who would pile on the perfume like there was no tomorrow!!!!! God, I remember sitting there feeling faint from the pungent odor eminating from the old JW sister in front of me!
Mrs. Shakita
Mrs. Shakita, we had that problem in the one of the khs I attended. I remember a brother giving a talk about how unloving it was for the sisters to overpower people with their perfume and that they needed to use less. Things got better after that.
As a JW, I never had to mention this to anyone. However, when in Army AIT, we did have a guy that didn't believe in bathing very often. A group of us got together, after failing to convince him to clean up, and chased him down, drug him to the showers and handed him a scrub brush and can of Babo cleanser and watched as he scrubbed every inch of his body. And I mean scrubbed! He decided to start staying cleaner after that.
Another time, I worked with a man who didn't believe in deodorant. A couple of us got together and presented him a can of Right Guard and emphatically told him to learn to use it.
Currently, I work with a guy that again doesn't believe in deodorant. The women where I work spray Lysol in the air everytime he comes into their offices. Many have mentioned it to him, but he just makes excuses about it. I almost wish I were back in the Army and had a scrub brush and can of Babo cleanser.
Lew W
Hey Lew, why the preference for Babo cleanser? Would Comet do? I'll bet Borax would get the job done.
To funny man, I can just visualize the whole affair. Gritty kinda like washing with sandpaper. I'll bet the guy kept himself a 'little cleaner' from then on!
Danny of the going to take a shower now, class.
Hey Lew, I'm really clean! So don't get any ideas.
Danny, Babo was what the Army supplied us with. Plus, the name just sounds unpleasant
But, in a pinch, I'm sure Comet, Ajax, Clorox or whatever would suffice, just as long as it is a stiff bristled brush.
Lew W