Whatever the case Rutherford had grubbed about that time Charlie's org by cleverly exploiting legal loopholes and that imprisonment helped his image as the FDS in contradiction to his opponents who were in fact the legal heirs and whom he labelled the evil slave class, (the GB use this slanderous label against their opponents to this day).
The "faithful slave" truth or lie?
by apocalypse 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think they did change their interpretation of that at some point . I know they also used it on ray franz and governing body members they remove from office .I think the scripture more adequatly describes the WTBTS itself and their constant demands to do more in selling publications .
Surprised to see this post pulled up after all this time. I took the time to read over what I wrote. It's been years. Found syntax errors and a few mis-spells.
Also took the time to read over all the old posts and the new.
Some good words found. Cheers to all.
Also took the time to read over all the old posts and the new.
Some good words found.
THAT is why I bumped the thread. I was reading through your posting history and found these threads interesting and wanted to be sure the lurkers and seekers did not miss them.
Couldn't help but think of this thread as I sat and listened to Ken Little go on and on about the ' wonderful' ..."faithful slave"
What a piece of work that little worm is.
Watchtower.... the new apostacy.