Don't compare yourself with celebrities...

by nilfun 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    ..because they have a head to toe beautifiying support system and YOU don't.

    A few examples from ebaum's world that show the before and after of celebrity makeup application:

    Christina Applegate:

    Applegate sans makeup:

    Pamela Anderson, hot

    ..or not?

    How bout Cameron Diaz?


    Alicia Silverstone

    here's another Silverstone

    Ah, and here's the loverly Brittney Spears

    w/o makeup

    And the JW relevence of this post? I give you Michael Jackson:

    Here's Mr. Jackson without all the special effects lighting:

    Just remember these pics next time you curse your mirror

    because of trying to measure up to a celebrity....

    nilfun, who loves youse and is thankful for the support she's gotten here....

  • ballistic

    Apply beer goggles and bingo!

    Edited by - ballistic on 28 October 2002 16:31:21

  • Jesika

    Well, just goes to show we are all human, well I am not too sure about Michael J. LOL

    Good post.

  • orangefatcat

    Eee gads what a frightening sight. Thank God I never used make. I believe in au natural.


  • Searchin50

    Quite the comparsion huh nilfun?

  • Mulan

    Pamela Anderson looks so much better without that awful makeup. She at least should learn how to apply it.

  • scootergirl

    Good Lord.........ewww.......

  • terabletera

    This was great!!!

    I agree that pam anderson needs to do her make up differently. I've always thought she was Unattractive until I saw the no makeup shot! Good grief, she looks awful WITH the makeup!

    THe rest of them...well, we're all human. I have my days that I can turn a lot of heads but if you saw me right now...ouch! Got my black glasses on, hair pinned back and not to ladylike about it, apron covered in flour from cookie baking and big stupid eeyore slippers are you kidding! ha ha ha I loved those pictures. I want to get me some glam shots!

  • WildHorses

    I think that Alicia Silverstone looks just as pretty without make-up. She just needs to make sure to not let people take picture of her with food in her mouth.

  • nilfun

    Hi all, thanks for responding...

    Yeah, just showing that we all have our good and bad days,

    but usually we only get to see celebs on their good days.....

    To see them undoctored, well you can really see they are only human, just like us...

    Sometimes people only want others to see their "glam shot" side and not the not so pretty side.

    Sometimes they work so hard at hiding their mistakes and imperfections that they lose a bit of their human-ness.

    And all we see is some celebrity and not a real person....

    nilfun, who believes that some of the sides we show may not be very pretty, but they are very human....

    Edited by - nilfun on 28 October 2002 18:0:48

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