Disgusting jws

by bay64me 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    I remember from my time as a JW that there was an effort to portray ourselves

    as better than the "world". More loving, more caring, more family oriented. Perhaps

    Bay's frustration is that while it is quite obvious to many that those who follow the W are no better than

    those that don't, JWs don't seem willing to acknowlege this?

    Growing up in the KH, I was always taught that we were somehow better, cleaner than the rest.

    The reality of it was that there was molestation, fornication, adultery, drug use, domestic violence, thieves, lack of compassion and love, etc. in the hall.

    And it does get annoying for someone to brag of their organization's moral superiority when this stuff

    goes on and no, not always are the offenders DF'd.

    I know that some may not agree with or understand how Bay feels, (hey, I may have gotten it wrong myself....)

    If I did get your meaning right Bay, believe me, I can sympathize with what you're feeling....

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Bay's frustration is that.......JWs don't seem willing to acknowlege this?

    I do agree nilfun,

    the main 'beef' with jwism is indeed hypocrisy - people really can't handle it - and you don't need to read much of the bible to hear "don't be like the hypocrites".

    It could be the ugliest part of ourselves that people see mirrored in others - when seeing, we see ourselves at perhaps our worst - a lie - ugliness - we would even "cut it off", and generally think it a difficult cure.

    We instinctively know that when the problem "has turned white and the disease appears to be deeper than the skin of his body, it is a leprous disease"

    But if " the hair in it has not turned white, the priest shall shut up the diseased person for seven days" When there's no thoughts of purity, it's just people that aren't circumcised to the eighth day.

    And naturally our preference is that "it has all turned white, he is clean."


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Yeapers, it's that good ol' hypocrisy running amuck that disgust most of us. Point well taken in sharing your experience with yet another "loving" JW.

    Hey, for this very anti-Christian gal, it sure as hell isn't the Jw helping those in their community. When was the last time (or first) you saw any JW volunteer at a center that distributes food/clothing to those in dire straits, eh? OMGawd, even worse then just lending a helping hand to your fellowman, most centers in this town are sponsored by Satan and his "false religion."

    I give a thumb's UP to any church organization that at least can tend to the basic needs of many. Knocking on doors with your interpetation of salvation sure as hell doesn't put food in a child's stomach; nor does it offer warmth on a frikken freezing day! Damn, I get pissed over this. So I'll refrain from scarcasm.

    Hypocrites in the extreme!

    Granny; who remembers my JW mom wearing the same dress for 3 years to meetings and out in service because she had 5 children to raise alone. Where the fuck was even a hand-me-down dress offered her! Well, you got it...someone might have to show a little compassion. Screw the JW's.

  • Shutterbug

    Let's not paint every JW with the same brush here. My brother and his wife took care of Mom, with some help from my wife and I, until the day she died and it was no easy chore. It seems to me the key here is that the woman wanted to pioneer and couldn't be bothered with her elderly father.

  • jws

    Maybe I skimmed this too quickly, but I don't see exactly what this guy's condition is. Sometimes people are to a point where in-home care is not really practical. Just like an open-heart surgery patient is better off in a hospital with doctors and nurses readily available, sometimes that's the case with older people. In-home care for certain conditions can be costly if you have to buy/rent expensive medical equipment.

    I can't say that JWs are more prone to putting their elderly in homes or not. Back in the '70's, my parents (JWs) and my uncle (non-JWs) shared responsibility for my grandmother. She'd spend a week or two with each family. At a point, her condition got to where we didn't have the facilities to properly care for her. Although I was young and don't recall all the details, she had a few trips to the hospital. Eventually she was put into a retirement home and we'd visit her every week.

    I know in-home care has gotten a lot better than in the 70's, but I still think that at a certain point, some people get better care in a home.

    Although you could be right. This person could be putting the preaching ahead of love for her father and caring for him. That's just wrong.

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