Child Molestation (Poll)

by refiners fire 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Does anyone know of incidents of Child Molestation OUTSIDE of the Witness org? How many incidents do you know of? Details are not required (in fact not desirable),

    But I can tell you that within my own circle of, say, 100 close family and aquaintances I can list numerous cases. A daughter molested by her uncle is one, this case is within my "in law" family.

    Another very close friend, not an in law, had her two daughters molested, Long Term, by their Father. Thats three victims.

    Another woman, now grown up, was molested and raped by her older brother over a protracted period when she was young. Thats 4 Victims .

    Another woman, a family relation, was sexually molested when she was 8 years old by the man who ran the corner shop. Thats 5 Victims.

    Another, a male, was Homosexually sodomized when he was 10 years old. The guy who did that served years in prison. That is 6 Victims. These 6 matters are confirmed.

    Oh,and I forgot my best friend, homosexually sodomized when he was about 13.These are the cases I have been TOLD about. There may be others still buried under the carpet.

    NONE of them have EVER been WITNESSES, or ASSOCIATED with the Witnesses.

    How many cases of Child molestation, None Witness related, do you know of??

    It causes me to wonder, is it REALLY more prevalent in the Org than generally??

    I personally know of more non Witness incidents than I do Witness incidents.What about you?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    My outside of the borg associations were I know more 'in the borg' abuse cases then out of it. I know of about 5 'in' cases and 4 'out' cases.


  • avishai

    Yup, I know of incidents outside the org., But the point is'nt whether there is more child molesters in jw than any other society. See, the guy you spoke of doing time for buggery? That is unlikely to happen in the jw, They don't get arrested & taken out of the society, they just get a slap on the wrist & counseling from bros who believe they can "cure" them w/ jahs help. But, they can't. No on can, yet. That's why in ancient israel they had capital punishment, there are some crimes in a society not even "GOD" can cure. And that is why it is more prevalent, not because of more CM's in JW, but because they are allowed to continue molesting, over & over!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Im no expert Beck, but id be inclined to say that out of every 100 people that you meet or know, as many as 10 of them are either PERPETRATOR or VICTIM. Thats what my experience tells me.

    By the way, my aquaintances and In Law family are not " inbred hillbillies". Most of them are of the above average wealth bracket.

  • Iwasyoungonce

    G dude! How many witnesses are there compared to the Global popualtion?

    How many people do you know in the real world compared to the other world?

    How honest and forthright is that offworld compared to the real world?

    Have you been studing with Stark?

    Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!

  • Brummie

    Refiners I know of a few outside the borg, but the point is all of those have organisations set up to help them to come to terms with the evil they have experienced, now the WT also has one up and running along side it to help those within its walls, it doesnt do their PA attempt any good to have an anti-abuse org esspecially for them, SilentLambs has given the platform to those who are forbidden to even talk about their abuse without being called gossipers or liars. The ones I know outside the borg are allowed and encouraged to go to the police at the appropriate time. Gagging the victim is more prevelant in the WT than it is outside these days, so these kind of victims are not so prevelant outside.


  • wednesday

    The issue is the WTS policy of how Crimes are dealt with-not that there are more victims. Included in the policy problem is how abused womem are treated within the cong. They are generally slienced. So are children. They are further victimized if they say anything about this-threats of dF.

    I myself am a SL and a rape survivor. That is a crime. the brothers involved paid no price-never reported to cps or the police. It was advised against by wts. members of my extended family who are not witness have also been victims. But they went to the police and CPS and did not have to be threatned with DF.

    Edited by - wednesday on 28 October 2002 18:26:44

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Also. Out of the 7 incidents, 2 pressed charges, the rest, its an unspoken secret. The two daughters molested by dad , well, he still comes to their weddings and family gatherings.The one raped by her brother, they sit at family gatherings and avoid each other, but hes still there.Same with the Uncle who molested his neice.

    I reckon theres a lot of it around alright, and most of it is kept silent.

  • Amazing

    I conducted a Poll on JWd in June-July 2001 ... of molestation inside the JWs ... and gave the results ... The percentages compared to non-JW statistics ... the main difference is that the rest of the world reports the problem nowadays, at least since the 1980s ... whereas the JWs/Watchtower typically do not report.

    Outside the JWs, I can think of so many cases, starting in my own youth of 4 ... up until I was a JW ... I have learned of many since leaving the JWs, but most of these are JW cases. As fr non JWs since leaving the religion, I would guess many ... but I just don't know.

  • larc

    My wife found a useful statistic. Unfortunately, she forgot which site it was on. At any rate, the estimate was that about three percent of the U.S. population are pedophiles. So, in a population of one million U.S. Witnesses, that would be 30,000, if they have the same rates within the Organization. This agrees well with the 24,000 cases that Barbara Anderson found at Bethel. The lower number than 30,000 is probably due to the fact that not all cases get reported to headquarters.

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