: So yes, we can disagree without fanning a flame war.
That presupposes the other person is reasonable. I've learned the hard way that is not always so.
In fact, some people don't yet know that (at least in my case) attacks on an argument is NOT personal. It's about the argument at hand. I love my sister dearly. She's a loyal dub. We fought about almost everything. We still do. I still love her. It's NOT personal. No argument in the world we had could make me not love her.
I've attacked arguments made by some of my best online friends, and they've done the same to me. We still remain good friends. We agree to disagree, but that is the freedom we have to think things out our own way. This is FREEDOM that the Watchtower Corporation denied us: the freedom to express ourselves and to work out our own personal problems without an idiotic "Flock" book to get in the way and which tries to regulate normal human dynamics.