My friends,
I have just been called by the PO of my cong.....they want a meeting with me.
exactly a year after learning of the UN affair & going to the branch for a never
given answer....
Next week I may join you not only in heart but officially...
Caballo Sentado
Now it seems it is my turn
by caballoSentado 17 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, it's easier to spell in english.
Someday, someone will post the very last of posts like the one you have just written. There are changes in the making.
Trust in God and your friends.
Con amor,
Hi Caballo,
If possible I would tape that meeting. I might also show up with an attorney. Remember their greatest fears are exposure, bad publicity and possible law suits resulting in loss of MONEY. I don't know what your family situation is but I hope they hold no hostages and can't threaten vital relationships of yours. The liars have no real power or authority other than the control of hearts we love whom they still have fooled.
I am sorry that you are in this situation and wish you and yours well. Maybe you have helped some to see and question the deceit of these men who claim they are Kings and Priests who will "Render" the sacrifice of Christ for lesser beings like all of us. Such enormous lies need exposure. It is said that the Tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots. Likewise, I believe in regards to regards to religion that sometimes it takes the suffering of innocents for the cause of truth to prosper. I think many on this board, including you, pay a high price to illuminate the darkness for others. I am sorry you have this stress and hope you lose no family as a result.Grunt
You knew this was going to happen after your friend was talked to and Da'd last week.
I say do what you and your family want to do. Go or don't go. Will you win these men over to your thinking after you have raised questions that you cannot get answers to? I think not. So don't stress yourselve or your family over the "meeting". Do what is best for you and your family.
Thanks to all of you for your words,
On the one hand, I can say I am worried, on the other I am confident. I am worried like someone who is going to take an examn, but I am confident because I know I can pass it. My family is with me & I am the only JW in my extended family. I only feel for some friends because I will lose them. There is good people inside... I would not have become a JW if that were not the case... but this is not a case for considering them ahead of God or my principles. I know that I can defend myself very well & show the WT its unfaithfulness regards the UN, that is why I know the outcome beforehand. I cannot accept the WT answer about this affair, and they will not accept a person how does not submit. It is as simple as that.
Thanks for your kind words friends. You have shown me a kind of friendship I did not know...
God bless you all
Caballo Sentado -
I never went threw anything like that.I left because I wanted out.
This is easier said than done....You know,you really DON'T have to go if you DON'T want to.If you want out,tell them to put there little meeting,you know where.I had elders come to my door before I wrote my DA letter,and I told them not to come to my door again...I told them I want nuttin to do with them.I did get a bit too angry but I was so sick of the control.I was only 22 at the time,but felt like a 12 yr old.I was so immature for my age then.Too many controled me,I couldn't grow.....
Are you brave enough to take control of the meeting?Take someone with you,they are allowed to have more than one witness and so are you!If they say no,walk away.Just my opinion....I can't stand the way he do things ..makes me i'll
Well take care and hold your chin up.Hugs to you.