November issues of magazines

by ozziepost 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Usually a November issue of The Watchtower carries the annual "begging letter" type article, detailing the various ways that donations can be made to the WTS e.g. wills, loans, etc

    Has anyone seen this year's article? Could you post details here. A scan would be great.

    Use the "Study Articles" forum.


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Undecided

    Sorry, I've already thrown it in the trash.

    Ken P.

  • gumby

    RE: november is begging month

    Your right Ozmeister...the time is here. With Christmas just around the corner they will be needing money to decorate their spirituall structures in NY.............NOT!

    I used to wonder if the society had a code or pattern as to "where" articles were placed in the magazines, depending on the month and so forth. Seemed like articles of similar type were placed in the same area of the magazine.

    I will look today for what your looking for unless someone gets to it before me.

  • cornish

    Yeh, the same old dribble about honouring Jehovah with your valuble things

  • blondie

    The WTS has changed the wording very little over the years. If someone has a recent WT-CD 1999, they could print it from that.


    There is nothing new under the sun (only under the moon)

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    They had a big article about contributing to the worldwide preaching by giving donations, leaving the WTS as your beneficiary, and various other ways that you could contribute financially to them about two months ago. I made a big too-doo about with my husband but I can't seem to locate the mag now (hmmm...strange). I seem to have no problem finding all the other dribble they've published for the past month or so, but can find this mag .

    The article was about Nehemiah (I think). It had a great big "gray" box in the middle of the article lising all the ways you could contribute financially and mentioned noting along with the contribution that it was a "gift" or something like that. It listed the address to send all donations to like a bunch of times in that article. I'll look around for it some more....

    "No we don't pass around a plate. That shows greed...but if you don't mind...rather than leave all your life savings to your heathen, wicked, and lost relatives or some other worthless charity, which will only be destroyed in just a matter of time...why not leave it us and the world-wide preaching work??...Wouldn't it be better spent? Wouldn't that be the thing that a 'true christian' would do?"

    How do you spell hypocrite??? Answer: Watchtower

  • butalbee

    Yesterday, someobody left a copy of the WT/Awake on my desk at work. That hasn't happened in a really long time, if I may say so, kinda makes me wonder who's lurking over my shoulder. Anyway, didn't read it, only touched it to throw it out.

  • dsgal

    Yes,I saw it.It was the same old stuff.(Put WT Society in your will,leave us your real estate and valuable belongings,send in contributions,give at the KH.)Nothing any different than usual.


    HEY! Don't throw out those magazines! I keep a sharpie pen in my purse and when I see the mags laying around, I write on the front of them


    and leave them right where they are.


  • johnny_was_good

    Yes, indeed the $$$$$$$$$-article is the November 1 issue, page 26-30.

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