I recieved this email from a customer of mine I have become close to.
She has heard a small portion of the horrid details of my past with the Jehovah's Witness religion.
Today we were talking and that dasterdly topic of religion came up again. I made some flippent remark about god and not believing in him. (I forgot she was a god-fearin' girl) My mistake. Anyway, I mentioned that god has been the cause of a lot of the wars and even the 9/11 attacks. At least that is what I said, but like most god-fearers, she spoke over most of what I said. God only knows(HAHAHAHA) what she heard. So, I have a problem articulating all the problems with the god theory. Anybody wanna throw some good ones at me to use? At least if I write an email she can't talk over me.
I hope this message isn't too "heavy". I am not trying to upset you or make our friendship WEIRD.....
I understand you might feel that bad things come from God because of the way you were brought up. But really, God loves you and doesn't bring bad things into people's lives. Sometimes "religion" takes people further from God, instead of bringing them closer. I understand you giving up on "religion", but don't give up on God. Someday I hope you can see this in a different light.
Thanks for the help