There are a few people on this board I respect, and I don't expect respect from anyone.
I've stated what I've said and stand by my words. But for respect I have for Mulan and her family, I will "settle" down.
There is nothing in this world that will spin me in to a more angry tyraid then this topic. Not even my old life when I was in the WTBTS gets me cookin like this topic.
After spending time in the Favellas of Brazil and seeing how opressed people live, how they are treated like cattle, how they starve, the living conditions in which they live, how they are murdered, and it's NOT a lifestyle CHOICE... how they DREAM of coming to this matter what it takes...and there are those here they say "send them back" or "they are not welcome in the U.S.A."....pisses me off!
You want to see where I'm coming from....go to a Latin American country for a visit. Not your Hotel/Club Med/Resort/Copacabana vacation...I'm talking about IMMERSING yourself in the culture, going to the real down and out poverty areas. Spend a few months with those people. LIVE with those people. Then come back, and see if you say "send them back".
Then again, many of us from the U.S.A. don't truly understand to live in a society of opression. Where the best you can do is sell gum on the street corner to feed your children, or pay for an operation, or try to get ahead...because the rich political elite like to stay in power and control. That soon as someone WHISPERS the words of change in those type of countries, inherit a crap load of problems such as having their entire family murdered ...because they rocked the boat.
All I see here is, a lot of ignorance.
Hope you enjoy sleeping in your nice comfy beds tonight, while watching your Will & Grace episodes, knowing you will be showing up for that "job" tomorrow. Hope you truly appreciate it. Hope you truly enjoy that life goes pretty damn good for you over all.
Then again, one day that may just end. One day, it will be you who will find yourself in the same "boat" ( no pun intended ) as those Haitians, and when you need something....somebody denies it for the same exact arguments you presented here.