The "Great War" (Daniel 10:1 NIV) -- ...

by bjc2read 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • czarofmischief

    Just out of morbid desire to discuss this horrible idea:

    New York, N.Y. 7,322,564
    Los Angeles, Calif. 3,485,557
    Chicago, Ill. 2,783,726
    Houston, Tex. 1,637,859
    Philadelphia, Pa. 1,585,577
    San Diego, Calif. 1,110,623
    Phoenix, Ariz. 984,310
    San Antonio, Tex. 959,295
    Dallas, Tex. 1,007,618
    Detroit, Mich. 1,027,974

    Those are the ten largest cities in the US. Should we give Bin Laden a medal for nuking Detroit?


  • meadow77

    BJC- I have a few questions and a comment or two. One is something I have been curious about since this whole disarming Iraq ordeal began. The WT seems to hold very closely to the belief that the UN is the scarlet beast which among other things is an instrument of war not peace. Have the views on this organization wavered any since it would seem that the UN was indeed not in a hurry to go to war, nor supported Bush in his desire to attack Saddam? Secondly, reading Revelation never led me to believe that the 144,000 was referring to anyone other than actual Jews. Revelation does say that these people would come from the tribes of Judah. It had always seemed to me that even though some Jews denied Christ, God's promise that they were his chosen people would not be forgotten. What is it in Revelation that leads you to believe that the 144,000 spoken of refers to somenone other that those from the tribes of Judah?

  • Ravyn

    I have a question that I have asked before and no one seems to know the answer to....

    why the heck is the US in particular and Christians in general so completely OBSESSED with Jews?

    I am not christian for one simple reason- I am not jewish! I don't hate jews, but they are only one small group of people in this world. and I am not ethnically related to them. why should I become something I am not? what is the deal with it?


  • bjc2read


    Daniel 11:20 = The US sending retired General Jay Garner as a strict "Exactor" [or TASKMASTER] to restore order for Iraq. He is the one who will be "broken in a few days, but not in anger nor in warfare". General Jay Garner is to head up the New interim staff for Iraw. But, he will NOT, I repeat, NOT be around for very long. Prophecy indicates it.

    The prophecy says:

    "And one [KOS] who sends an EXACTER [Gen. Garner] shall stand in his [SADDAM'S] place, for the glory [or splendor] of the kingdom [of KOS]. But within a few days he will be broken, but not in anger, and not in battle." -- The Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible by Jay P. Green, Sr.

    Then next,

    Daniel 11:21 = OSAMA BIN LADEN...and the rest will be obvious for all to see.

    Real War is just ahead.

    Just watch and see.


    ".. .Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you IN DETAIL." -- Acts 13:40, 41 (New World Translation)

  • manhole

    Well, 9 more days and MDS will be an "official" false prophet for all to see. The the greatest war of all times is being predicted by the end of April. A second part of this prophecy is now the "exactor", Retired U.S. Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, will be dead in Iraq by that same time period and Osama Bin Laden will have brought about a swift end to the USA. Wow! What exciting times! 9 more days!


  • rocketman

    Wow, is this far fetched or what?

  • Francois

    Y A W N

    S T R E T C H


    EHHHHH, What's up Doc?

    Jesus How boring.


  • Pleasuredome

    8 days left!

  • Pleasuredome


    2 days left. is MDS caking his pants?

  • manhole

    Well, that's it. No more MDS. This chapter is closed. It goes to show, most people have enough since to watch out for accusatory false prophets. Anyone who puts themself in a judgement seat is on the wrong track. Beware of the "false prophet". So long folks.


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