I am a jehovah's witness until today, but I don't know if I'll continue to be one of them tomorrow.
I said that because for once my eyes are open to reallity and I can clearly see that there is not organization beyond our Creators name.
I see a lot or imperfect man trying to do what is right, but allways those desires are corrupted by their pride or greediness.
I think that in the watch tower organization are really a lot of people who really wants to served God. But I think too that there are a lot a people who doesn't have love and mercy for their brothers
A well known saying says that You will catch more fly with honey than with vinager.
This doesn't mean that people are allowed to do whatever they want without any respect for God's word in the Bible. But to what extent does man has to punish his fellows to prove themselves righteous.
I am bitter because in one hand I know that there are a lot of good in what we consider bad(organization), but in the other hand I know that there are a lot bad that organization has cuased to people.
In one way they have assumed God's role in judging people. I think that they too have a little of the pharises theachings. They forgat that love and compasion means more than an standart of rules and regulations.
I am a victim of my own desires of my own imperfections and mistakes, I am a victim of me because in one hand I want to do what is right but I do some time the opposite. I love to read about Jesus life, how he showed compasion for sinners without reproching them. I think that people respond with more efectiviness with love and not with punishment evendough punishment it is necesary for Wicked, is Jehovah who will judge them. So I understand all the negative feeligs toward society. I think that in my case it is like a crying all loud for undertanding and affection.
Bitterness will bring you more bitterness, but love will cover a lot of badness.
Are we bitter or Victims? What do think and how do you feel about it?