Response To My DA Letter

by LB 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Hmmm, maybe I should pick up the phone when he calls. Just to get it announced. A mole in the congregation will let me know when the announcement is made.

    Or maybe I'll just send another letter. Of course when word gets out that I've sent a copy of the DA letter to the gossips in the hall that could get things moving along.

    Appreciate the comments here. Hi IW, nice to see you.


  • imanaliento

    yes as Island Woman said every congregation is different. For us it took about 2 weeks, I think that they are suppose to try and contact you twice before announcing, but so what, the letter is already sent and that decision is made. Now get out there and get started on your christmas shopping,

  • ThiChi

    "I've sent a copy of the DA letter to the gossips "

    Good move! Then they will see for themselves why you Daed. I did this too. Believe me, the Elders, once you are DAed and cannot defend yourself to the JW public, will try to imply the worst about you. Now, the friends have what really went down with you. You now have had the last word.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Congratulations! I am now coming up towards my 2nd anniversary of being free and it does feel good. I am now getting to the point where I don't spend half of my waking day thinking about being a witness, it really feels that I have got my life back. I highly recommend it!!

    And I am still waiting for them to contact me....... 2 years.... you think they would have phoned or something by now wouldn't you, cowards or what?!?!

  • garybuss

    Hi individuals wife, LB, All,

    They waited 10 years to contact me after I walked away in 1974. They are an un-thanked people doing a thankless work for an unappreciative publishing corporation. Unpaid book distribution, working for a nameless director in a New York corporation is a poor motivator. The behaviors written about in the magazines and the reality are far different. Love is really blind obedience to the directions issued by letter or written in secret books, and faith is not questioning anything or anybody.

    It is an inverted system where the strong leave and the weak stay.

    LB, Nice letter. My bet is they hate to loose you but they are in a double bind. They can't deal with you the way you are, and you are not changeable by them. The best people leave and the worst advance to their own level of incompetence.

    Best wishes always,


    The Way I See it

  • scootergirl

    Good for you to take the "bull by the horns" and da yourself instead of just fading away. You took a stand for what you believe in and very maturely and respectfully spoke your mind. Your integrity is inspiring. Congrats.........

  • Tinkerbell4125

    LB, same here, I'm glad that you had the guts to stand up and speak your mind. So many people cowardly tip toe around the Jehover Witnit's, afraid that they will be shunned, hoping to just fade out quietly. I've never been one to keep my thoughts to myself! A tell it like it is kind of person! And when it came to the elders, I did just that!

    A pat on the back to ya buddy!

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