Dear sister. I love you, you are a fine friend to me and have stood beside me in all adversity. I know you need to hear this right now. I wish you all that is good in the world.
by refiners fire 62 Replies latest jw friends
Just when I feel like
Thank you my dearest friend.
Hang in there've got a heart of gold and some of us know that. Don't let the personal attacks get to you, as this is what they are intended to do. Their very purpose is to break your spirit...because some people get pleasure of someone else's pain.
It has been said that you don't help the hurting dub/ex-dub...this goes to show how little they know about you. How many put their hands into their pockets and contributed towards a collection being made for an ex-dub who posts here who was down on his luck?? I believe you did...$100Aus doesn't go far in the USA but its a big chunk out of a single working girl's salary. Also, how many would open their homes to an ex-dub who has no where to live and who has no job? I believe you did, and you are offering continued support to this've just got a heart of gold that has no boundaries.
As for me, I would not have opened my home to an ex-dub who can't contribute towards his board and keep, but that's just me. And as for contributing towards a poster who's down on his luck, well I figure that if he has access to the net and a computer to post here, he's not so down on his luck. But like I said, that's just me, and I have a tendancy to be quite selfish.
Your posts have been a mixture of kind, funny, informative, welcoming, and yes, also vicious. But in my opinion, I believe you act on emotion, which is why you have made choices to go without so that you can give to others. Acting on emotion is not unusual here...there are more people posting here that do it, then there are that don't.
Cyber hugs are not adequate enough to illustrate the hug I could give you right now. Ask Andy to give you a huge bearhug, so you get some idea how much I would love to hug you right now.
Today was a tough day for me, even before two certain wankers decided to attack me. Today is the the 14th anniversary of my grandmother's death. She was a wonderful lady that I was very close to. She went through so much. I will never forget the look on her face when my aunt died of cancer. She'd already gone through the death of my mother 2 years previously, and now she had outlived another daughter (my mum died at the age of 55, my aunt was in her early 60s). Then, by the time my grandmother died, I had lost 3 of the closest women to me within the space of 7 years.
So today was a pretty tough one emotionally, and then some idiots decided to add their contribution to it.
Yes, I do act on emotion, but that's because for many years I was emotionally stunted, and I was afraid to show my feelings. Also, I believe life is too short not to let people know how much they mean to you, so I make sure my friends know that I love and care about them.
Thank you Beck, from the bottom of my heart.
even before two certain wankers decided to attack me
Prisca, it pains me to say this but this sort of thing will continue while you make remarks like that back. Please credit us with the intelligence to decide for ourselves what people are like and trust us to make the correct decision.
I do appreciate how difficult if can be to hold back from answering but if you do then I think it will help and even if it doesn't then it makes my job much easier to take action. As it is, it can be difficult when things are being said on both sides.
You have no idea how many of the "fruitages of the spirit", namely self-control, I have been exercising whilst I am being defamed with lies and insinuations by two certain gentlemen.
Prisca, I'm sorry to hear of your sadness. I just wanted to say that I know you seem to be a very fair person. If it means anything to you, I appreciate your contributions here.
Thanks Minimus. And yes, it does mean something to me.
Guest 77
Prisca 'pity' such persons and send them over to my house.
Guest 77
Never mind Prisca, remember the words of Nietzsche:
"Jah Helga! Slap me harder viz ze paddle! Harder mein frau!"
Oh...sorry...wrong words. I meant these ones:
"That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger."