Is there new light on Yoga

by Watchtower-Free 10 Replies latest social humour

  • Watchtower-Free
  • 3rdgen
    LOL Why not? He's definitely a downward dog!
  • sparrowdown

    He's actually demonstrating with his fingers the size of Lett's penis.

  • LisaRose
    Next thing you know he'll be puttin' on a pair of them spanx.
  • Lieu
    Why does that blue room theme remind me of Palpatine's chamber? Is that round metallic thing one of those spaceship transporters like in the movie Stargate?
  • Watchtower-Free
  • _Morpheus

    Palpatines chamber 😂😂

    it definatly looks like the set of the 700 club

  • LostGeneration


    On a serious note, I'm surprised the GB hasn't rolled out commercial products. I can only imagine the kind of dough they could be rolling in if they put together a $999-a-year home schooling course...I better shut up before they get any ideas.

  • oppostate


    That pic made me laugh so hard it had me spit out my coffee all over the keyboard and screen!


    On a serious note, I'm surprised the GB hasn't rolled out commercial products.

    Ah, but they'd have to pay taxes if they sold stuff. And we know how much they "love" representation without taxation.

  • steve2

    His tie is too long and needs to go. He does not need to remove it for it to go. He just needs to go with it.

    The blue-hued set captures well the organization's cold, glinting airbrushed heart. Not a dollop of warmth in the studio - they got that right.

    The tie still needs to go.

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