Signs of the Last Days?

by Lin 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lin

    I would appreciate some SERIOUS discussion and comments on Signs of the Last Days. I've already run a search for previous posts on the subject, and most of what I found was silly, sarcastic, name calling, etc, but nothing of any real value.

    I would really like some information, links even, for some valuable information on the subject. Having been born and raised a dub, the subject seems to stay in my mind, especially with threats of nuclear war etc. I'm also in contact with others who post on Silentlambs who have asked me questions about this subject as well, and I'd really like to offer them some worthwhile information.

    Is there any articles written (which I can't seem to find on any of the main sites I've checked) on the subject? Is there any good info out there on the subject?

    (I know we ALL die at some point, but those who believe in Bible prophecy about the End Times understand how the subject is huge in Dubville, and I'd really like to have some info to refute what Dubs have taught on the subject).

    What have you come to understand/believe on the subject?

  • Valis

    Lin, I did a little digging for you and the thread I posted below has quite a few different angles on the topic of the "Last Days"...hope it helps...BTW hope you can find Glorias before the end of this system of things.. *LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Barmageddon" class

  • blondie

    Here's one sign that has been debunked, at least as the WTS used to present it.

    The Watchtower Society Backpedals on Earthquakes

    or How Magicians Write Essays

    Alan Feuerbacher

    Along with many other features of what it calls "the composite sign of Christ's presence since 1914," the Watchtower Society has long claimed that earthquakes have been far more frequent and severe in the 20th century than previously, and have caused far more deaths and damage. The December 1, 1993 Watchtower virtually abandons these claims, but does so in a manner calculated not to let on to the average Jehovah's Witness that the earlier claims have indeed been abandoned. We will here examine the earlier claims and see how the Society neatly reduces them to almost no significance without letting on that it has done it. The Watchtower article is a fine example from the Society's arsenal of intellectual magic tricks and illustrates how to divert the reader's attention from the main issue.....continues

    Edited by - Blondie on 1 November 2002 11:51:0

  • Lin

    Thanks Valis! Now, THAT'S what I was looking for!!! Thanks MUCH!!!

    LOL, don't worry about me finding Gloria's, I'll be there no matter what!

  • logical

    How about reading Matthew 24, in its correct context, and noting what it says.

    The most obvious verse is verse 6:

    "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet" and it goes on to list more stuff that will happen.

    So its blatantly when there is peace in the earth that the end comes, when people are declaring "Peace and Security". Turn on the news, pretty much all that is described in Matthew 24 is going on, but these are only the pangs of distress..... these do not mean we are in teh last days. How long has there been earthquakes, wars, famines etc?

  • blondie

    Good comment, logical. Nice to see you posting again.

    Blondie (who was only a lurker when you were posting before)

  • Tashawaa

    I found the above link interesting. The 1400's were a lousy time to be alive.

    Happily, I think we're doing OK (as a society). I love our advances... TP, dishwashers, cars, planes, good food, clothes, TV & stereos, computers... you get the idea.

    Why do they keep calling it "Crisis in the Middle East"?!?! This crisis has been going on since I was a kid, in the 70's. Shouldn't it be called "Life in the Middle East". Just a thought.

  • Buster

    Hello there Lin,

    I'm a bit curious that no one has cited Carl Jonsson's book, "The Signs of the Last Days, When?" It goes thru the big ones, famine, earthquakes, war, pestilence, and compares our recent times to the bigger picture. I got mine from Commentary Press. At risk of giving away the whodunnit, he concludes that out times are no more a fullfillment of the signs of the last days than many others.

    Its a pretty darn fast read, unless you are so into it that you want to study the statistics.

    - Buster

  • gumby

    Well, Lets just pick one BIG sign

    Jesus said the message would be preached in ALL THE NATIONS

    How many nations are there and people that don't have a clue about the message? I wouldn't look for anytime soon..... if there will be an intervention by this man at all.

  • metatron

    In addition, they have forgotten all about 'The King Of The North'!

    THERE IS NO KING OF THE NORTH, period. You can forget about the whole last days
    subject because these prophecies are going unfufilled.

    Related to this, for how long has the 'world been passing away'?
    Since John said this in the present tense, I would assume that the world
    has been 'passing away' for about 2000 years!


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