Why were the Flintstones sexualized?

by nilfun 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    Growing up a JW kid, there were things that, if not for the helpful instruction
    I received from the brothers, I would have never known were sexual in nature.

    Some examples:

    I shouldn't use the phrase "petered out", not because of any biblical
    connotations, but because the "peter" in "petered out" was referring to the
    male sexual organ. Who knew?

    As a child I always made it a point to hug everyone before and after the
    meetings, regardless of their gender, until I was taken aside after one meeting
    and told what a dirty thing I had been doing, and that I must never again hug the
    males in the congregation. The reason? They might be able to feel my developing
    breasts poking them through their meeting suits.
    This loving counsel was a real eye-opener.

    I learned that I should avoid eating lobster so as not to become sexually inflamed.

    I was so embarrassed when it was pointed out to me that the tee shirt
    I was wearing had an X-rated message splashed across the front. The message
    read "Bedrock Vice" and had a picture of Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble
    wearing sunglasses standing back to back. In my naivete I had assumed that
    "Bedrock Vice" was a play on words from the title of the hit T.V. show Miami Vice.
    Not so! It was explained that those wicked words were actually a blatant description of how a bed
    starts a-rockin' when the boots are a-knockin'. Well, now I knew better...shame on me.

    What a strange little cult I once belonged to...

  • DJ

    I wonder if they feel nervous when they see my dad.....His name is Peter.

    Edited by - DJ on 2 November 2002 0:50:38

  • DakotaRed

    Carisa, it never ceased to amaze me how they would be so anal on some things, yet continually speak other things they knew nothing about.

    Bedrock Vice is and was a take off of Miami Vice, nothing else. Many have tried to make Peter, Paul & Mary's song, Puff the Majic Dragon out to be about drugs. Not just JWs, but many people. Many woult counsel you on saying "petered out," but would use the phrase "brown noser" and think nothing of it. The latter would refer to one who kisses butt.

    If the truth were known about the origins of many words and phrases, they would nearly have to remain silent the rest of their lives. Believe it or not, the infamous "F" word was considered proper language at one time by the Saxon, until it was replaced by "fornicate" from the Normans*. It then took on all the harshness we associate with it today.

    Now that you are out, wear whatever shirt pleases you and say what you wish. I can't buy that God is so anal himself to condemn one to death for saying certain words.

    Lew W

    *quoted from Panati's Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things, pg 347

  • nilfun

    Yes, what a strange little cult.

    Everything about it makes me ill.
    People may talk about the good aspects of the JWs but that isn't
    the religion to me, that's just the small rays of humanity that manage to break through.

    I remember years ago I was at a convention in AZ,
    I think it was in ninety-two or ninety three (?)
    I was making my way through a bunch of people when a buzz
    began traveling through the crowd -a member of the
    governing body was here!

    When he was pointed out,I felt a wave of nausea wash over me.
    He turned in my direction and stared right through me.
    Everyone was smiling at him, but that was something that I just couldn't make myself do...
    I was totally freaked out and felt really sick to my stomach.

    Not really sure why I remember that now...maybe because all the
    feelings I have for the JW religion can be summed up in that
    one moment...

  • Jeremy30

    I think the Flintstones were sexualized because males are attracted to redheads with a string of pearls (including me)

    Your comments bring back so many memories for me, JW's trying to make you feel guilty on a whim. Puke is too good a word for this cult.

  • Mutz

    Guilt is a powerful weapon and the JW's have mastered it's use. My skin used to crawl at some of the comments made at meetings, assemblies or even in conversation. They just love making rules and imposing them on the sheep. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the thought sends a shiver down my spine when I recall how it was.

  • Francois

    Can't be named Peter, even if one of the apostles was so named; no Dicks need apply.

    And you couldn't possibly use the toast:

    Friends may come,
    And friends may go,
    And friends may peter out, you know.
    But we'll be friends,
    Through thick and thin,
    Peter out or peter in.

    Take that.


  • jws

    Granted, I can see why the Rolling Stones themselves could raise eyebrows with any religious group. But it wasn't so much that as the big mouth and tongue logo on my T-shirt. My parents would warn me and some JWs would think it dirty or just give me dirty looks. My response was, c'mon. It's only a tongue. It could be laughing. Where are your minds? What do YOU think the tongue is doing? I'd continue to wear it from time-to-time at the weekly congregation baseball or football game.

    I think, however, we can't blame the JWs for specific things like "Bedrock" being sexual. Many of these incidents are not organization wide - just the opinion of one idiot. And for that matter, the Christian world is full of them. It's not unique to the JWs. I've heard of just as many odd concerns from Baptists.

    But you've got to wonder who's got the dirty mind? The person who wears "Bedrock Vice" and thinks only of a cartoon and a TV cop drama? Or the person who sees "Bed Rock" as a rocking bed during sex?

  • NeonMadman

    This sounds toooo familiar. I remember being counseled once because I said that something was "bugging" me. I was told not to use that word, since it was a reference to anal sex (buggery).

  • freedom96

    Don't forget not being able to say "darn" or "gosh" etc. It really was controlling wasn't it?

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