Its got me beat !

by redorc 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    Hi there,I go along with being spiritual,as far as an old chap with a beard sat in the clouds,nahh,poppycock.

    Undecided,,,,brilliant ROFL.



  • Kenneson

    As I see it, to discover the transcendent, one has to first discover the immanent.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    I don't have all the answers either, but as far as people joining the WTS, I think some people just have to have something to believe in, or their lost and when the Jehover's Witnits come to their door, it sounds real good to them. I do believe in a higher power, but I'm totally turned off on organized religion. Maybe one of these day's we'll have all the answers!

    Welcome to the board!

  • nilfun

    I've been exploring things outside of myself and am begining to realize that the answers are really within...

    ..and maybe the answers within will shed some light on the answers without...and so on other's got me beat too! LoL...

    Anyway, the real reason why I popped in was to say:

    Welcome to the board, redorc!

  • Buster

    I don't think that belief in all that stuff is directly related to intelligence. Though it helps to be able to articulate one's disagreement, it is not a prerequisite. I feel that the there is a spot in the human psyche that tends to make us look outward for higher meaning and direction. Bust because we look for it, doesn't mean its there. At work, about 15 years ago, I remember this Baptist holy roller that felt that the pursuit of so many humans for a higher authority confirmed that it must be there. My other co-worker replied that 'that is the same as saying that 100 Trillion flies can't be wrong, so lets all eat sh*t.'

    I get a sense of awe and reverence when I walk into a famous Catholic cathedral. The music can really cause a reaction in the chest. But does that mean to me that God is there? No. But for some people it means exactly that. I think it is mostly derived from people's desire to believe - a need to lean on something. Sometimes I think it is emotional weakness - though I am sure that is too simplistic.

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