Do you REALLY feel that you are a nice person or an unlikeable one? When you were in a congregation, did you tend to get along with people? Were you contentious? Did you always have an issue with someone? Since you've left the truth, do you feel that you are a nicer person???
HONESTLY, Do You Consider Yourself A Nice Person?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
Since I have left the "truth" I feel that I have developed into a person w/integrity. I live a life based on my values and principles. I use to get along w/just about everyone when in the borg, but I was very "unhealthy". I was very co-dependent and never took care of myself well.
Since out, I speak my mind about what I believe is right and just. I know more about who I am, what I want and where I am headed in life. I no longer worry about whether or not people like me. I like myself.......something I never did when I was a dub.
Minimus, I have two answers to this pregnant question. I am a real good person, and always have been such a person. I have been a do good roughten (sp?) scoundral and always will be one.
I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle. -
I guess that's for other people to decide, but as someone who works hard to be considerate of other people, I've always been profoundly jealous of people who are completely obnoxious and yet still remain popular with their peers! How do they do it!?
I always hear others say that I am a very nice person once they get to know me. I have a facial expression that would cause a person to think I'm about to kill em though. I ain't no killer. I'mma big ol teddy bear.
I consider myself a very likeable person, and most that meet me, feel the same way. The times that I will become unlikeable is if someone intends harm towards myself or my friends, or my family.
I am easy going, but no pushover. I find that it is much easier to get along, and enjoy others, than to be difficult.
When I was still in, I was kinda shunned by the other young people in the cong, cause they were afraid I would rat on them to my father.
The adults loved me and saw me as a good example and what they strived to make their children into.
After I was out, I found I could be myself and I was liked by many because I wasn't fake to anyone. Of course I was taken advantage of alot because of my brutal honesty and trust of others. Well, being so sheltered it takes a while to get used to the way things "really" work.
Overall I like who I am now alot more than then since I can be MYSELF and I am very happy instead of having to lead a double life. Pleasing everyone else, and never being happy is something I don't miss at all.
Hmmm, seems like only a few honest ones
Yes. I am kind, empathetic, and generous to a fault. My friends are lucky to have me.
: Yes. I am kind, empathetic, and generous to a fault. My friends are lucky to have me.
Yes, but are you humble?