What's Your WORST Vice???

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    My worst vice would have to be my computer.

  • minimus

    Smoking seems to be right up there!.... but nothing terrible here.........This just goes to show how "bad" we really are, huh?

  • Perry

    What's your worst vice minimus?

  • Francois

    UM, I do the same things now I did then: smoke, lay drunk with women, stuff like that. Now I just don't bother to hide it.


  • minimus

    asking ???

  • troucul

    I like to look at naked women

  • hurt

    Okay, I'm still in... but

    Watch all kinda movies, and not feeling guilty.

    Liking Xtinadom songs and not feeling guilty.

    Doing this site.

    Well, yeah, girls...

  • rwagoner

    When I was in - probably hypocricy

    When I first got out - Sex, Cigs, Sex, Alcohol, Sex, Swearing (Like a Sailor), Sex....

    Nowdays - Thats sort of interesting. As some of you know I am a Pastor, although not exactly what many would traditionally think of. From what most think of as a Pastor I think my two main areas would be my views on intimacy and my never ending stuggle with foul language...Just can't seem to keep my mouth shut. (Thankfully never during a sermon...yet *LOL*)

    No more Cigs but the occassional quality cigar....I still enjoy an adult beverage or two from time to time but don't drink until I'm unconscious anymore....I have a few tattoos....I'm addicted to the web....we vacation in Jamaica at a well known resort with a "wicked" reputation....I don't view intimacy, sex or being nekkid as an evil or terrible thing and certainly DON'T believe that God or Scripture is anti-sex, quite the contrary in fact. (and I'll leave it at that before I get in trouble - *LOL*)


  • shera

    I didn't grow up in the meetings and I did a lot of stuff before I joined....but that Keanu pic is sure fine!!!!

    I was just glad to have my life back and I did what I wanted..chose what movies I want to go to,my friends,the way I want to dress.etc etc...

  • Dismembered

    What's Your WORST Vice???

    The new one I just bought. I should have left well enough alone and kept the old one it works fine.

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