Are you living out some of your dreams yet?

by LyinEyes 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I have been up watching Saturday Night Fever, made in the year 1977. Funny thing I noticed , the club that the Tony(John Travolta) dances at is called 2001 Odessey. I thought God , I was 10 or 11 when that movie came out. I wanted to see it so bad, but good JW's would never see such a movie, the disco era right. I always loved this music and the scene, but never could tell anyone, I used to listen to the radio, AM station back in the day and would dance behind my locked door. When I got a little older I got to go rollerskating and it had a disco ball and played the cool music for a young girl like me. I felt so alive there.

    Now I am 35 yrs old getting older by the day and not liking the fact too much. I go out once a week and dance my bootie off , just to make up for all the times I never got too. I have to admit, it is as great as I thought it would be. I wish I could have done things when I should have done them, like certain rites of passage that all kids do, all adults do in their due time.

    I guess since I no longer believe there will be a paradise earth and that I will get old in this world before I die, I want to have some of the things now , that I thought I would have in the new world.

    Since there will be no new world, I get mad at the wasted years , the time that seems like was stolen from me. There is still so many things I want to do.

    I was wondering what you all are doing to fullfill your dreams since you know that we will not live forever on this earth. Maybe there is a heaven. But what about the earthly things, what are some things you want to do , that you put off till the new world, are you doing any of these things now.

    I am thinking of starting a career in nursing in 5 yrs when my youngest son is older. I always thought why pursue a career that will not be needed in the new world. Now I see things so differently and look forward to doing something I have always wanted to do. My long term dream is to grow old with my husband, be the best grandmother who ever lived and have my small farm one day. Funny how I never thought about getting old in this world. It doesnt seem so bad , really , if we can make the most of the time we do have here.

    So what do you want to do?

  • da_luvvin_bruvva

    Hi LyinEyes

    I came out of the dubbery 3 years ago. After 12 years of being 'discouraged/dissuaded' by da luvvin bruvva's not pursuing a career in music, I decided last year to do it!

    I bought over 50,000 worth of professional recording equipment and started a career in songwriting and I'm now producing my own tracks in just about every different genre of music you can think of (apart from Kindumb Hell music), but especially dance music.

    Now, at the ripe o'l age of 39, I too want to make up for lost and wasted time. I don't believe in the jaydubb philosophy of a worldly paradise anymore, obviously cos its all fantasy fiction, but, I do have a hope, a hope that is set out for all followers of Christ Jesus cos all He wants us to be is the best person we can be.

    Go on LyinEyes, fulfil your dreams. Be a nurse, and be the best nurse you could be. Be a 'worldly' wife, and be the best wife you can be to your husband. Be a 'worldly' mother, and be the best mother you can be.

    Believe it or not, you are free, free to do want you want to be cos when the Son sets you free, you really are free indeed.

    So, Senior Nursing Officer LyinEyes, after a long distinguished career of helping others in the nursing profession, how do you feel at the ripe old age of 70? Hopefully you'll feel as accomplished as I hope to feel about my life.

    Do it. Just do it LyinEyes.

    I have.

    And by the Grace of God, I am now doing all that I can do to realise my full potential. And so can you.

    He is there. Ask and you shall receive. After 3 years of researching the WTB&TS, everything we were ever taught by the dubbs that was detrimental about the Christians was something that I found to be completely untrue. This, as well as finding out that most of the JW teachings is a load of rubbish.

    Both my wife and I were Baptised as Christians last month with over 20 ex-JW's attending at the Church where we attend. It was a day that made me cry all day long with tears of joy.

    Its funny you know, cos at that service, they played my song..........a Christian worship song that I wrote in testimony to my faith in Christ now, and not an was my first, and by no means will it be my last.

    I'm gonna keep on writing songs.....God gave me a gift, and I'm gonna use it.

    So, like I've said before LyinEyes........DO IT, JUST DO IT.

    I did.

    Luv, Da Luvvin Bruvva

  • Perry

    I know how you feel Lyin. At 32 I through my hands up and entered college full time. I even rented my house out and moved into a small apartment near the campus in another city. I was the best decision I ever made. I experienced so many things that that I never would have had a chance to otherwise.

    I didn't really change all that much. But, I became far wiser. I still do a lot of same things just without the guilt and phobias. Dreams really do come true....only it is through hard work and not blind obedince to a bunch of charlatans in Brooklyn. I really wouldn't change anything in my life right now.

    The beautiful thing is that if I felt that I should, I would....that's the big difference between now and then.

    You will get that farm one day if you really want it. I believe that.

    (so happy, I'm singing) I'm yo boogie man, boogie man, turn me onnnn, I'm yo boogie man, boogie what ya wan't.

    -KC and the Sunshine Band

  • gumby

    Hey gal,

    since I no longer believe there will be a paradise earth and that I will get old in this world before I die, I want to have some of the things now , that I thought I would have in the new world.

    First of all I would like to thank you for your heartfelt thread and posts you ALWAYS are a sweetie.

    In the above bold type you mentioned no Paradise. Neither you or I know for sure if the bible is from God but I think we have our strong doubts. If the bible is true...I wouldn't rule out the earth and better conditions.....even Christians believe in a earthly reign.

    As for dreams....I wish I had some. I don't know what the hell I want to be perfectly honest. I have no goals other than figure out a way to get out of Floorcovering cuz I'm too damn old for this crap!

    I would be happy to be financially secure....not rich(but that would be ok) and just do normal stuff, travel a bit, golf, take it easy and have a good time till I croke. I , like yourself, am getting old quick (48) for me, and wished at least I would have made OTHER DECISIONS years ago. I was raised a dub and lost my dreams I guess when I couldn't fullfill them.

    Anyway, my post is toooo long, so I'm outa here. I hope you fullfil your dreams as I'm sure you will.

  • happy man
    happy man


    Well my dreams come trhu, when I find find a very nice and beautifull girl to married, have 3 boys 2 girls , even if some are giving mee grey hair I never want to be widhout them, I think it is very important that we see what we have, and not ponit at what we not have, like hunting ghosts.

    If you want to be rich try the stockmarket Gumby, i did and los almost evrything, so what I learnd of this is se what you have, ant no twhat you dont have, and priciatie it.

    Ofcourse when i read storys like Lyin eyes give abot her fadher I am very sorry, to bad widh peopel who doing such bad things, to there children , i tell her perhaps i can give him a letter from hes brother i sweden telling whats happen to hes girl, and thold him to read John cap.8.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    I am certainly living out my dream, at long last I am at university studying nursing (what a coincidence! By the way, go for it - it is brilliant!!).

    I just wish I had done it years ago instead of wasting so much time knocking on peoples doors and annoying the hell out of them, at least now I feel I am doing some real good. The only good thing the JWs ever did for me was teach me to have confidence in talking with strangers, a necessity in nursing.

    I have even looked after a JW in hospital who was aware of who I was and that I had disassociated myself, at first she wouldn't even make eye contact, would totally ignore my attempts to care for her and would walk away from me at every opportunity. It didn't make her look very good in front of the other staff and patients. She was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and during that time I only encountered one JW visitor in all that time, how is that for a loving congregation, only one small bunch of garden flowers and no cards from the whole of the congregation. How loving is that? Anyway, by the end of the fortnight I think she had realised that I wasn't the evil person that she imagined me to be and was actually starting to have conversations with me and would smile, no mention of our connection of course. Hopefully I proved to her that there is life beyond the organisation and that leaving does not necessarily turn you into their stereotypical image of an 'evil apostate'.

    Good luck with your future plans!

  • rwagoner

    You know...I never really had dreams in the was just sort of follow orders, march, march, march....

    Once I got out I went crazy (still am really) but that should be a story for the "Vice" thread *LOL*.

    I guess my dreams are pretty mundane...I mean I have "if I won the lottery dreams" but how practical are those really. We'd move somewhere warm, spend winters in Jamaica, have cars that actually run all the time, better cigars, more tattoos...more toys...big donation to the annual WTS halloween pumpkin decoration fund !!!

    I have a great wife (12 years and counting) an unbelievable 4yo son, secure job in addition to my own small business, a retirement account...I guess I don't need a lot more.

    We built our dream house and promptly lost it in a bankruptcy when the economy went sour so now we rent a nice little country house. We'll build again someday...I guess that is one of my dreams.

    We're basically happy except that like most people there never seems to be enough money and always seems to be too many work hours.

    I guess our biggest dream would be to be financially secure enough to spend more time with our son while he still wants to spend time with us. *LOL* It would also be nice to be able to just do nice things for my wife unexpectedly...she's pretty good for putting up with me and I don't get to show her how much it means very often.


  • Xena

    Well I have always been pretty happy in my career choice so I am not wanting to make any changes there. But I did take up bellydancing, something I always wanted to do. lol it was one of those off again/on again conscience matters when I was a JW. I love it, makes me finally feel like I don't have two left feet!

    I am also taking some classes at a local cooking school, nothing much just like one a month. I love to cook and want to learn how to make some exotic stuff....and I am planning on joining a book would be fun to be able to read what I want and discuss it without judgement or peer pressure this time

    I guess more of my dreams are for my daughter...I want her to have the opportunities I didn't have. She is in sports, dance and wants to be a cheerleader.....She is beautiful, smart and knows how to get what she wants...I predict a future in politics

  • Mulan

    I only want to say how wonderful it is that you learned the truth at a young age. 35 is young!! I was 50 when I learned it, and my children were already raised. They are wonderful people, but the opportunities we missed when they were little will never be there for them again. The ball games our second son never got to be in, .........he wanted so badly to play ball. Our eldest is so smart, he should have gone to college.............he is married with 2 kids, so that isn't an option now. Our youngest went to college and is married, but having trouble finding work in his field..........police work, but he is only 23, and has lots of time.

    Princess is also very smart, and should have gone to college, but she is probably living her dream. It sure looks to me like she has it all.

    One of my dreams was to have a big family, lots of grandkids, and a big house. I have that one.........the house is big but the rooms are small, and my parents live in half of it, so while it's big, I don't get to use the whole house. We have four kids and seven grandchildren, so far.

    My other dream is to live in a great Victorian house on a bluff overlooking the ocean. At this point, by the time I get there I will be pretty old. But it's a dream. I also want to go back to England, now that I know more about my roots...........and see some of the places my ancestors came from.

  • DakotaRed

    I agree with Mulan, Dede, 35 is still really young. Unlike many of you, I didn't come into "da troof" until later, at 44. Now, 10 years later, I'm a full fledged 'postate and returning to my dreams yet fulfilled.

    Over the course of my life, I had many dreams and most I have lived by now. Even though a few went sour, I still lived them for a bit. I was recently asked by a dear friend if I had any regrets and what would I have done differently. But, looking back, how could I really regret even the bumpy parts of my life? They also gave me all that I have today. To go back and do anything differently, except for my second marriage, could take away the wonderful parts of my life today.

    I told her to not have gone to Vietnam, I would never have met my first wife and had two wonderful daughters and now, two fantastic grandsons. If not for the Army, I would never have been able to travel the world as I did. If not for getting involved with the JWs, I would never have met the wonderful friends I have here and elsewhere. Maybe I could have gone to college earlier than I did and gotten into a higher paying career, but would I have felt as sastified with it and be as healthy as I am today in it?

    Even remarrying as I did to the JW wife and the subsequent divorce, I still ended up filling another dream to own a house again. I have dreams to yet fulfill and I'm sure they will be filled as I go along. Even if only a little bit fulfilled, at least I will have tried. I try to be thankful everyday for what I do have and the dreams I had and gotten to fulfill. Although not monetarily, I am rich beyond my wildest dreams today.

    If you have dreams, reach out and at least try to fulfill them, you will never regret it, even if they don't fully come true. Don't be surprised if the outcome, although not what you wanted, may be something much better than you wished for.

    Lew W

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