That Grand Canyon explination is a joke. Have you every been to the Grand Canyon?? That marvolous sandSTONE layer is underneath ROCK, not on top. The imprint explination is a JOKE.
1:1 plant to coal transfer rate??? HORRIBLE. 12 pounds of ferns do NOT convert to 12 pounds of COAL!!!
hooberus, if you think Einstein subscribed to your pseudo-science, then you are garavely mistaken. He didn't believe in the bible, so he wouldn't foolishly allow his research to be shaped by those fables. If you think he "may have believed in some sort of creator", then you are probably wrong, as he was most likely an agnostic. A good article on the topic can be found here:
"In any event you seem to be ignorant of the sheer numbers involved. There are millions of species on this planet. Even if there were 6,000 'kinds' (which would still be cramped on a boat) it would take an amazing amount of mutation to create the diversity we have today. That's more evolution than even Evolutionists can accept!"
Actually rem the diversity came from genetic recombination and not from mutation.
"You first have to show evidence of a global flood before you can argue that living conditions before the flood supported more life. There is no geological evidence of a global flood."
There is abundant evidence for a global flood, contrary to your dogmatic statement "There is no geologic evidence for a global flood."
"The onus is on you to prove the earth is young. All of science backs me in that the earth is old. I don't have to prove that the earth is round either... you are the one making an extraordinary claim, not me."
rem "All of science" does not back up an old earth. Your dogmatism surpasses even the Watchtower! Perhaps what you should say is that "All of science as interpreted by evolutionary theory backs me in that the earth is old."
Actually rem the diversity came from genetic recombination and not from mutation.
This statement is just as misinformed and ignorant as the previous Einstein comment. Even dog breeders know that mutations cause the interesting traits of different types of dog. Mutations are a natural and common consequence of reproduction, whether it be sexual or asexual. Perhaps Hooberus would like to inform us how all of the different species of asexually reproducing plants and bacteria "genetically recombined" without mutation to fill the earth after the alleged flood?I say "alleged" flood because, again, there is absolutely no evidence for a global flood a few thousand years ago. Perhaps Hooberus would like to also inform us how the ancient Egyptians and other cultures seemed to have lived through the time of the alleged global flood without even noticing it happened?
It's ok to be dogmatic when the evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt. I can also dogmatically state that the earth is round. Yes, all of science is behind the fact that the earth is round, except for maybe a handful of crackpots. But we don't take those crackpots seriously, just as there is no need to take crackpots who believe a global flood happened a few thousand years ago seriously.
Of course, even after all of the evidence that Hooberus has been given to the contrary, he will not even consider that his view is wrong because his god is the bible. He is dogmatically clinging to a literal interpretation of an ancient book of myths written by backward goat herders.
I am through with trying to have respectful conversation with you. Your attitude stinks and I am tired of being disrespected and called crackpots and the like.
I am tired of having respectable highly educated intelligent men who wrote the Bible referred to as unintelligent goat-herders.
Find somebody with no self-esteem willing to put up with your insolence. I am putting you on ignore.