Any Canadian's here from Halifax? Does anyone know the Lively family?
Halifax, Nova Scotia
by DevonMcBride 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I donnot know the lively family,but I'm from dartmouth..
The Lively family goes to a new Kingdom Hall on Parkland Dr. They used to go to one on Charles St. in Halifax. Do you know anyone else in those halls?
No,sorry I donot know...
Its been so long,I never even heard of those KH.
I went to the KH on Charles St between 1984 and 1987. Sorry, but the name isn't familiar to me.
Love, Scully
Scully,ever attend the westphal and woodlawn KH? In dartmouth?
I went to one meeting in Dartmouth at the end of June 84. I think it might have been Woodlawn. I was staying with a workmate while I was waiting to move into my new apartment in Halifax.
I was in Highland Park for 3 years though.
Love, Scully
I didn't start to study around 1987/88 and I left in 1992.
When did you leave if you don't mind me asking?
wowa, I was in Fairview from '88-'95. Iknow the name Sid Lively only as a famous apostate in Shubenachedy (sp?).
We left Halifax in March of 87 and left the JWs in 1995.
Love, Scully