JW Reaction to Royal Commission Reports

by maksutov 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Tornintwo

    I keep trying to speak to my husband about it and he is freaking out, says he doesn't want to hear it, that he is very happy with the society's response to child abuse as outlined in the July broadcasting where AMIII said he was 'proud' of their record on this issue (puke).

    ive tried a few times saying 'it's on cnn now, it's on bbc, this is huge, you have to see this' but he shouts me down and said he didn't want to listen and might have to get 'help' from the elders to keep me quiet about it. Aaaaaarrrgggh it's so annoying!!!!! I just about managed to say 'they knew about over 1000 abusers and didn't report 1'. Let's hope he thinks on that.

  • freemindfade
    Told my wife "JW's are harmful, google news search Jehovah's Witnesses and see whats happening in Australia". It's as if I didn't say anything at all. Like the words never existed and she never heard them.
  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    JWs will not take notice until this affects them on a personal level. By that i mean when they start to get hounded behind the "trolley's" and when it is physically impossible to ignore the negativity.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    A few weeks ago they had a local needs talk in my mom's congregation. The theme of the talk was;

    (Isaiah 52:11) . . .touch nothing unclean. . .

    The brother emphasized to the congregation that if they expect Jehovah to give them everlasting life in the paradise earth, then they will stay away from any "News" or internet articles that badmouths the Watchtower.

    To listen to such news is "Touching the Unclean thing"

    So I guess no one will even listen to what's happening now.

  • Mad Sweeney
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    said he didn't want to listen and might have to get 'help' from the elders to keep me quiet about it.

    ha ha--lovely. just remember you hold the ace card in your relationship. lol

  • Splash

    If loyal JW's confront these truths it will make them physically sick.

    This is why they stop up their ears and try to pretend that everything in JWland is good.

    They will not be able to ignore it for much longer.

  • TheListener

    I keep hoping that if the local elder testimony has been so damning that the branch representatives will really put the nail in the coffin. Then the news can report what the leaders of the WTS Australia say and not just a local elder or CO. Let's face it most people these days want to hear from the head honchos not just a local priest or elder.

    I am really hopeful that the news stories will grow and expand and not disappear by some other large event.

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2


    I looked through Daily Express, Daily Mail, in news agents this morning, saw nothing about it. I get the Mirror every day. There has been nothing in the Mirror. I have also seen nothing on news in UK so far.

    Maybe I may see something on evening news tonight.

  • ScenicViewer

    I don't know what the rules are over there.

    Do Christians really need a set of rules to protect children?

    Apparently Jehovah's Witnesses do.

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