I think I've seen the male at that location before. It's interesting to see how many more of these "info booths" have popped up at the Skytrain stations this year.
Mystery of the ' Strange Couple '
by Esse quam videri 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yeah, the "service"companion of the little male stepped away to take the picture of the "worldly" lady taking a shine to the "brother" and he does not like it.
ticket dispenser of the train station entrance is deserted because people prefer to just walk in free.
That horny 20-ish JW Brother is thinking, "Look at those experienced legs....those ample firm breasts.......I'd hit that, 2x even!" Well, at least that's what I'd have been thinking if it were me. What can I say, I dig experienced women. I'm thinking she'd like to taste his youth by the smile on her face. She's an undercover Cougar for sure. Meow. -
"Please, Sister Robinson, Jehovah loves you more than you will know... oh, oh, oh..." -
.....And that my fellow friends is how they put in those pioneer hours! -
I note that the Metro News box has been emptied, but the "Good News" box has not. -
and if you are looking for your hands sir, they are in your pockets. -
Any time I've seen those carts, the JWs are parked a discreet distance away, looking quite nonchalant. And it always makes me think of spiders hiding not in their web but under a nearby leaf. -
Should these 2 be alone? I think NOT! -
Vidiot....that's awesome!!! Toooo funny!!!! And spot on.....