Daughter OK After Operation

by Undecided 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    My daughter, Lisa, had her operation and she is doing fine, she is comming home in a few hours. They didn't find what was causing her pain though. The doc said that was true in about 30% of these cases and many times it could be stress. She had her tubes tied while there as she has four children and one gand child at home now. I hope she can calm down and have a more relaxed home life. Her two oldest kids have given her a lot to worry about.

    Ken P.

  • gumby

    Glad to hear she is fine UD,

    She isn't alone with children that wear her out.....I'm glad mine is grown and married.

  • blondie

    Well, I hope she got some rest in the hospital, Ken. Who is helping her while she recovers at home?


  • LyinEyes

    UnD, so glad to hear you daughter is over that part. I had my tubes tied right after the birth of my son, I was a little sad over having to do it , but it was nessecary. I cried knowing that this baby would be my last , and at the time, we didnt think he would live. I feel blessed , he lived and I have a full life. I still get this overwhelming warm feeling when I see other babies,,,,,,,, I wish Icould have just one more........ then no way............. too much stress.

    Tell your daughter to take it easy, be sure and not do the lifting of heavy things, I didnt do what my doctor told me too, about taking it easy, and I paid for it. It is really important to let the body heal, and send her our thoughts , stress can be a killer.

    Hugs......... dede

  • Jesika

    I am glad to hear she is doing good. Operations of any kind make me uneasy, I hope she can relax a little. Send her all of our love and support.


  • nilfun

    (((Undecided)))..Good to hear she is okay after the operation, sending out healing wishes for her speedy recovery....

  • imanaliento

    does that mean you are a Great Grandpa ?

    hope she gets to feeling better soon, I know there's no rest in a hospital and most often, especially for moms, no rest at home. she sounds like she could use some pampering. is someone available to help out?

  • DakotaRed

    Undecided, always great to hear such good news.

    Thanks for the update, I hope she recovers and the stress can be lessened.

    Lew W

  • kelpie

    Wishing her a speady recovery. I hope that she is soon back on her feet. Tell her to get as much rest as possible and not to lift anything too heavy for a while!

  • Farkel


    We're known each other for years. I'm always thrilled to know a great person like you: someone who has escaped Watchtower life relatively unscathed even after having had the rush of being an elder and being born and raised in the Watchtower. I'm always thrilled to meet someone who has not only escaped it, but who has risen above it, kept your family intact, held your head high, and are so loving and caring about the younger generation in your own family that you helped spawn and that should be and are so much of your life as you move into your middle-earlies in life.

    My hat is off (again) sir, to you.

    Fan of Ken Class

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