Sister Brutally Murdered In Moscow

by Derrick 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    They may not call them "guardian angels", but when someone is saved from certain tragedy, they are quick to spout about Jehoover's angels working in behalf of his chosen people


    And where was hers.........?

    Edited by - nilfun on 4 November 2002 18:34:44

  • Dia

    Where did they get the details of what they did together (had tea and talked) and what they talked about if she's dead and he's denying it?

  • pettygrudger

    Truly despicable - hopefully this will encourage other JW women not to invite men into their home alone to talk about the bible!!!!

    I hope they put that man naked in the vicious dog section of the pound, smother his balls in A-1 sauce - HERE PUPPY HERE PUPPY - BAD PUPPY BAD PUPPY!

  • IslandWoman


    They may not call them "guardian angels", but when someone is saved from certain tragedy, they are quick to spout about Jehoover's angels working in behalf of his chosen people... barf !!

    I believe for the most part, the Watchtower claims angelic intervention in circumstances which would result in over all harm to the witness work or to Jehovah's will in general. Individual Witnesses though do tend to attribute to God all sorts of intervention in their behalf, even fine vacations!


  • Jesika

    How sad!!! How sad for anyone to have to go through something like this when their intentions were good.

  • kelsey007

    What a sad thing! How it does remind me that JW's are trained to be more compssionate and trusting of such persons as convicted murderers than they are of df'd family members. How sad indeed! To bad he did not tell her instead that he was an apostate- she would have ran away from him and still been alive today.

  • nilfun
    Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in "guardian angels." Anyone who was a Witness should know that.

    yeah..I wonder where anyone who is/was a JW could have gotten that idea from?

    Edited by - nilfun on 4 November 2002 19:17:22

  • rocky220

    I hate to knit-pick, but isn't it inappropriate for a JW woman to be alone in an apartment with a man who isnt her husband, even if it is to evangelize???????? Wasnt she suppose to be with another JW to accompany her, ex-con or not????? I'm sad for her death, but she did not observe WT rules, or for that matter did not have COMMON SENSE????!! Just a wasted life!rocky 220

  • ScoobySnax


    I'm really hoping here that your flippant comment about "guardian angels" etc isn't typical of those who post on this forum. How heartless have you become since you left the "Borg" (tm). A woman has been murdered here in horrific circumstances, surely you weren't using this story as a point scorer against the JW faith.....coz it sure seemed like it. Everytime a post is made like that I wonder if they/you have any heart left. I'm hoping you are the exception her, and thankfully it seems you are. Its awful to think of what that trusting woman must have gone through,she could have been your sister/mother/aunt/ friend, even as someone I never knew, my thoughts go out to her memory and those who were close to her.

  • PopeOfEruke


    I didn't take Running Mans comments as flippant. The WTS told me over and over that the angels watch over us all the time, and especially when we go out in service; yet this incident proves its nothing but a bit fat lie.

    Hopefully the poor womens death will end up having some "meaning" if it can help some more people free themselves from this Satanic organisation.


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