Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement 67 Replies latest watchtower scandals
As long as the elders kids are safe. which they would be cause they not gonna put their little darlings in harms way. They don't give a shit about the lowly and poor, why the hell should they. you know I had a conversation with a sister about this subject, she said well Jehovah sees all. I asked her how that helped the little boy being bent over a chair while an elder sodomized him. She just stood there with a blank expression, no feelings no anger no heart. My god these people are unbelievable. They simply don't care, I find it hard to even look at them while the make excuses for what is happening to these kids im so disgusted by the whole thing and I am a witness. Just imagine what must be happening in the third world congs where they don't have a Royal Commission it doesn't even bare thinking about. I hope Jehovah smites the bloody lot of them. -
Any good investigative reporter will have a field day unraveling this ball of yarn. Between the facts that the Aussie branch was purposely hiding money to reduce liability due to child abuse laws and the fact that these branch instructions regarding reappointing molestors coming from the headquarters service dept run by the GB- these guys are done. -
So let me get this straight. You can fiddle with kids and the elders won't include it in their letter of introduction to the next congregation but if you have consenting sex with another adult you will be either reproved or disfellowshipped and it will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Holy shitballs, Batman. I just read that manual. What can I say except...
At times, the branch office may determine that a man qualifies for congregation privileges, as he is not considered to be a “known” child molester. He may then move to another congregation. In such cases, the elders would not normally mention anything about his past conduct in the letter of introduction unless the branch office has determined that there is reason to do so.
What does "known" mean?
Question 4: The January 1, 1997, Watchtower article on page 29 states that “a man known to have been a child molester” does not qualify for congregation privileges. What is meant by “known”? 12.
Answer: “A man known to have been a child molester” has reference to the perception of the community and the Christian congregation. It may be one who has sexually abused a minor and who is still viewed negatively by the victim’s family, the congregation, or the elders, or it may be one who is viewed by the community or secular authorities as someone who is a sexual abuser of minors, whether the abuse has been established by the congregation or not. Such a man is not “free from accusation” or “irreprehensible.” Neither does he have “a fine testimony from people on the outside.” (1 Tim. 3:1-7, 10; 5:22; Titus 1:7) In view of his notorious past, people in the community would not respect him, and the brothers may even stumble if he were appointed.So if it is not common knowledge in the congregation or known to the authorities, it is okay to appoint?
No, they are not hiding pedophiles at all...
If you molested a child is not important, what is important is if anyone knows about it!?!?
Absolutely crazy!!
This absolutely shock me though at this point it shouldn't. At the very least you think they would have the self awareness to know how this would look if it ever got out and not print this. Unbelievable the RC was able to get this! Blows the whole "We aren't like the Catholics we would never allow or appoint a child molester in a position of trust" out of the water. I am no longer a believer but I find this scripture apropriate when speaking of the borg:
Matt 23:27 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.
That "clean" exterior is falling away and the world is finally seeing this cult for what they are.
Un-freaking-believable. It's all OK, the pedophile can be an elder as long as the child rape is not well known. WTF?
I'm speechless.....
(and that doesn't usually happen!)
Hold on. So the official letter says NOT to interview victims of the child molestor seeking a position as MS or Elder, as this would bring up bad memories of the events. THEN they talk about the molestor having Jehoober's blessing becuase there haven't been any outcries?
I assume that all of you see how utterly F'd up that is. They create an enviroment to squelch any "outcries" and then rejoice that there are no "outcries" as the recommend a child abuser for a position of authority and trust in the congregation.
The Royal Commision has to see this as well. That's the wonderful part. They see what we see, but they have the power to do something.
Esse quam videri
11. If a former child molester continues in a position of responsibility—whether the sin occurred
before or after baptism—there may be some serious problems if he later molests a child. This
could bring great reproach on Jehovah’s name, and it could affect the faith and confidence that our
brothers have in Jehovah’s organization. So the branch office is to consider this matter very carefully,
weighing all the potential implications and factors before determining how a former child molester
is to be used in the congregation.Looks like they forgot this part.
' This will have a devastating effect on the child. They could be so heavily traumatized that they never recover. They may have to receive years and years of therapy. They may never trust another adult for the rest of their lives. It may destroy their family. The child may even consider suicide or actually kill themselves because of the actions of the child molester.'