Does the royal commission have the power to force the Jws to change how abuse is handled?

by hoser 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sir82

    What might the end result be?

    Does the Royal Commission have the authority to levy fines, or impose prison sentences?

    If not, can it compel legal authorities who would have that power to start a criminal, or at least civil, trial?

    It is wonderful that WT policies and leaders are being exposed, but in the end, what "punishment" if any can result?

  • cognac

    I have the same questions as Sir82....

    I also wonder how whatever the end result could be, how it could affect other countries.

    Hope this ruins them...

  • Xanthippe
    It is wonderful that WT policies and leaders are being exposed, but in the end, what "punishment" if any can result?

    I assume the findings of the Royal Commision will affect the way churches are treated because of their child safeguarding problems. In the UK the Charities Commission is investigation whether or not JWs should have charitable status and therefore tax exemption because of their child safeguarding problems. Presumably the same things will be considered in Australia when this ARC reports its findings.

  • Vidiot

    Giordano - "The WTBT$ will amend their rules to comply. It's not antagonizing the public or protecting children that will motivate them....... it's keeping their tax status and properties intact."

    I dunno...

    ...they told Irwin Zalkin that they will never change it.

    In this instance, I'm inclined to believe them.

    From what I've seen of their personalities, I think the current guys in charge would rather accept the loss than capitulate to "Satan's System".

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    "Increased disciple" says it all if they don't comply they will be forced to maybe not this week but they will comply or else find out first hand what increase disciple legally means I'm sure the document composed of many pages will spell it out for them and they will comply.

    And I'm sure the proper authorities in the USA are going to be informed what these jerks on the Governing Body are doing to their flock of sheep. The message is you got a destructive end of the world cult that need to be reined in for common decency for Christ's sake!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I'm sure the Commission will dutifully pass the word to each and every JW in their territory. And I think that an announcement might have to be made at their kingdom halls attended by members of the court might be in order a long with an announcements for victim to come fourth. I mean it only stand reasonable that each member should be informed and meet together some how to discuss these things.

    I'm sure many JWs are already receiving counseling due to this investigation.

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