Stupid drunk drivers......

by Jesus Christ 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Hi everyone. Thanks so much for your well wishes. Everything is back to normal and you can't even tell what happened now. I was a bit pissed to see the woman who was arrested come and get her car the next morning but other than that I'm happy with the way everything turned out. I would put up a fence or rocks or something but that would look like a turd in a punchbole with our small front yard that is perfectly flat. Truth be told, if someone would miss the turn and hit our house it would hit the living room area which had a nice big concrete porch in front of it that would stop it before it would actually hit the house.

    Sorry for the lady who's husband was killed right after you got pregnant. I apologize for not remembering your name off the top of my head but I do feel very sorry for you and all you had to go through.

    Hey JWS, tell you what, get legally drunk and go play some baseball. Try to take a 95 mph fastball when you're over the limit and see how you do. Wanna know what the difference is? If you miss your swing on the fastball nobody dies. If some kid runs out in front of you and you delay for half a second because you've been drinking that kid could die. True, while old people and sleepy people are dangers as well, so are idiotic drunks who think they can drive better after they've had a few drinks and are legally drunk. The morons who do that deserve all the legal troubles they get and should be happy that's all they get.

    As for myself, I can honestly say I have never been behind the wheel after having even one single drink. I've walked a bit to a convenience store and a few other places and been barely able to keep my balance as well as been driven places when intoxicated (that's actually kind of fun and not unlike an amusement park ride) but even though numerous people may have certain remarks regarding my intelligence I'd have to be a total moron to think I could drive if I was even the least bit intoxicated.

    Oh yeah, just for the record, I don't drink at all anymore. I wouldn't drink that often but when I did I had problems stopping. Just to save myself (as well as the heartache that comes with all of that to loved ones) I stopped drinking all together and have been totally dry since this spring.

  • jws
    All I can say is I hope they bust your ass and throw you in jail before you kill someone. Maybe you'll learn that way.

    My ass has been busted once - over 10 years ago and I no longer drive when I'm even near intoxicated, but I do not avoid driving entirely if I've had a drink. I'm NOT saying alcohol doesn't affect people and that, no matter how much you've had to drink, you're safe to drive. What I am saying is that line of impairment/intoxication is different based on many factors and that it does not necessarily match with the legal definition of simply measuring BAL.

    Let's say you're given a simulation test to measure when you are no longer capable of driving and they measure your BAL. Do you think, under various circumstances, that line is going to be reached at different BAL levels? Let's say one day you're wide awake and alert. On another you've been up all day and you're exhausted. And in another test, you're exhausted and sick. You're going to hit that "not OK to drive" level at different BAL levels. And other people who may be younger and fitter may hit those marks at different points than you, under the same conditions. At least that's my contention. If you disagree, you'll never see what I'm saying.

    But, let's say hypothetically, you hit it at .11 on your good day, .09 when you're tired, and .08 when you're tired and sick. If law enforcement and politicians are going to do these kinds of tests to see what the legal limit should be, what number are they going to choose? .08 - you have to go with the minimum. You don't want to set it at .10 because sometimes people are intoxicated at .08. Yet on the good day, bright and alert, you weren't unsafe until you hit .11, but the legal setting for "intoxicated" for your case is now set at .08. Any legal definition has to be near the minimum to catch all cases, not a maximum or even an average. And, some people are going to be OK over that minimum and some people are going to be impaired when they hit the minimum.

    What I'm saying is the legal definition is not so cut-and-dried. Some people can be "a bit" over the minimum and be OK and some people can probably be under and still be intoxicated. And I do believe "a bit". When we start getting into higher BAL levels, the impairment goes up exponentially and there's no doubt you're drunk and impaired. I'm not saying otherwise.

    Sure this is a controversial viewpoint. Most people would rather see things in black and white and have thier villians clearly defined for them and not really think about other factors or fairness. These are the same people who would probably sentence a lukemia patient growing pot to ease their suffering the same sentence as a drug dealer growing it to sell. No thinking outside the box.

    You can fling your curses at me. Go ahead. At least Jesus Christ (the poster here, not THE Jesus) came back with a thoughtful response, indicating others think only in the right/wrong world and aren't thinking beyond hurtling insults and wishes for my demise.

    The only thing I'm saying is that not everybody hits that "impaired/intoxicated" mark at the same BAL and some people can be above the legal definition and be equally qualified to drive as somebody below that legal definition. Yet one is a "drunk driver" and the other is not. Am I the only one that agrees with this statement?

    As for batting, I never tried that after drinking. Granted, these aren't reaction-time sports, but I have seen people get a LOT better at billiards and darts when they're drunk than before they started drinking. I've also have seen some people get better at reaction-time video games. As I recall, the people who got better at video games were not REAL drunk, only a little and quite probably over the legal limit. But after a certain point, the more they drank, their play deteriorated greatly.

    And I suspect this is true of many DWI accidents and those who cause them. You have to worry a lot more about the guy who's double the legal limit than the guy who's teetering at it. And he's not double the danger, the more you drink the danger goes up exponentially. I'm only arguing the strict demarcation line that claims everyone's body is equal and that above it you are not fit to drive, but somebody else one point under is.

    If you're going to say people shouldn't be driving after even one beer because their reaction time is diminished, then push for zero tolerance. And while you're at it, banish cell-phone use in cars. Take drivers licenses away from people who start becoming forgetful. Force more frequent eye tests for elderly drivers. Ban CBs, radios, CDs, and tapes along with headphones if you're using them. Ban passengers from carrying on a conversation in a car. Ban people from driving after a breakup with their girlfriend/boyfriend or if they just had a fight with their wife/husband. Ban people from driving after a big meal because they're blood is processing food and making them sleepier. All of these things distract drivers and diminish response time and could kill a kid who runs out in front of you. Yet the only things I know of being addressed are alcohol, cell-phones, and headphones (never mind the headphones are off, but the music is so loud it can be heard 3 blocks away and they STILL can't hear an ambulance).

  • LB

    jw's you certainly use a lot of words to justify drinking and driving.It's wrong and you know it.

    Saying how some people play darts better when drinking is laughable. Give me a break. No comparision

  • COMF
    You can fling your curses at me.

    Thanks, it's always nice to have permission, you damned idiot. Your post is a textbook example of denial.

  • animal

    First, there is no treatment in jail.. I know, I did time for different things, including DUI. That punishment, while valid, does nothing to most other than keeping most of them off the road while doing thier time. I say most, because when I was in, we had local guys on work release driving all over the place.

    To permanently stop it, 2 things need to happen.... Outlaw alchohol, and longer sentences. Neither will happen tho, too much money involved in DUIs and the law enforcement.

    When I was paroled, I had to do 18 months of visiting my parole officer. I had to pay $25 per month for this priveledge. Multiply $25 by 18 months, times xxxx number of offenders and you see what a nice little money generator this is.

    Solving the DUI problem involves getting drinkers to learn why they drink. Once that is accomplished, the stopping process is much easier. Many dont know why they do it, they just do.

    Before any of you say that I am talking out of my ass, I may be one of the better experts on this within this circle of people. The stories I could tell.............


  • COMF

    Hope you have another chance to pass through Dallas in your ramblings, Animal, and can stop for a visit this time. I suspect you and I could trade off stories for a long while.

  • animal

    Comf, I am sure we could.. I am a talkative guy with the right person. I have started on my book also, finally, it should prove interesting.


  • jws
    jw's you certainly use a lot of words to justify drinking and driving.It's wrong and you know it.

    And I'm still waiting for a good rebuttal. I've raised several issues which you've failed to comment on, except:

    Saying how some people play darts better when drinking is laughable. Give me a break. No comparision.

    Didn't say it was. Said it wasn't a reaction-type sport, and driving does require reaction. Go reread it. It was in response to a comparison of driving to hitting a 95-MPH fastball. Which, although it is a reaction-type sport, is also quite different from driving. In driving, you don't try to hit things. But at least a thought and comparison was made and I get what he was trying to say and give him points for it.

    Many people will make things black and white - that alcohol can only impair you. Yet I have observed people get better at billiards and darts after drinking. And I'm not the only one to observe that about these people. So it would seem in some people, skills (and I'm not saying all skills), but some skills do improve with alcohol. But that goes against a black & white view. An old roomate of mine would shoot pool and the game would be over after he'd take about 5-6 turns. He'd get extremely drunk (don't remember it the next day drunk) and clear tables in 2-3 turns. I'd welcome an explaination for this. Not because it relates to driving. Just that it seems alcohol doesn't always hinder skills.

    Maybe we're unclear on the definition of drunk. Most people will say that's the BAL level at which you can get arrested for driving. Those same people, including police, will deem you OK to drive if you're only one point under. Can you really say things change that much with the extra point that suddenly everything shuts down?

    What makes one a cold-blooded killer in the waiting and the other an innocent? At one time, Wisconsin's minmum BAL was .10 while in Illinois it was .08. Somebody reading .08 in Illinois would, by legal terms, be one of those drunks who might be better off shooting himself to save the lives of others. But if he crossed the border into Wisconsin, he would be considerate for stopping his drinking when he did.

    What do you call drunk? Are you saying the legal BAL levels aren't low enough? Are you pushing for zero tolerance? BAL of 0.00? What would you define it as?

    Thanks, it's always nice to have permission, you damned idiot.

    Your welcome!

    Your post is a textbook example of denial.

    Denial of what? I simply believe (not deny) that somebody can be over the legal limit, yet be as safe as somebody under (the same somebody an officer would send on his merry way) - that everybody doesn't have the same reaction. This isn't biology in a vacuum.

  • Preston

    The illegally parked lady: (Getting her car out of JC's yard the next day) "Damn, better get my car out of the savior's yard before he gets pissed off more than he already is!"

    Jesus Christ: (Runs out on front porch in a fury) "Lady...get prepared to meet your maker!" (Waves hands and turns car into a Mo-ped) "There.. no fuss, no muss, no more shap turns into my driveway!"

    The illegally parked lady: (Cross-eyed look)

  • scootergirl

    The man who killed my husband had FIVE previous DWIs. He was drinking at a bar and "knew"he could drive the traffic you know. He drank for years.......drove for years under the influence. Felt w/out a doubt that he could make it home that night. Did it a million times before w/out incident.....this was going to be no different.

    It was 10:30 at night. LeRoy (my husband) was heading off to work. I remember kissing him goodbye, him patting my stomach (we had just found out we were pregnant 10 days before) and said how happy he was. "I will see you in the morning, sleep tight" was the last words he said to me.

    He was broadsided by a 3/4 ton truck w/a drunk driver at the steering wheel. Our car was in the garage so he had borrowed my grandfather's small truck (like a Ford Ranger). The side impact crushed the truck LeRoy was driving. They needed the jaws of life to get him out. The passenger in the drunk driver's truck was the town doctor and county corriner. The only way that he could check LeRoy's pulse was thru the firewall.

    According to the atopsy, his aorta was cut, his spleen demolished, his lungs crushed and he had a severed brain stem injury that eventually swelled to the point that it ceases his body telling him to breathe. He died two times in the ambulance on the way to the hospital......both time they used the electric paddles to bring him back. The third and finally time that he died was in the driveway of the hospital......thank God that they didn't revive him.......had he lived, he would have been vegetable...........not knowing who he was, who I was.....probably living his days out in a nursing home somewhere.

    I remember racing into the hospital which was a 2 hour drive from our house. Making all sort of pleadings w/God........"let him live and I will......." I was rushed into a concrete room and told that he didn't make it. You have absolutely no idea what that felt like. My life and my husband's life was destroyed because some person decided to drink and drive. Consciously made a decision that they could......that they were able to drive.

    Because I was early in the pregnancy the doctors were concerned about the effect of the stress on the baby. I wanted to see LeRoy.......wanted to know that this was all a dream. I was told that if I saw him, I would have to see him as he was brougt in.....bloody, broken, tubes and I.V.'s everywhere-not to mention his swollen head from the brain injury......he was not a "pretty" sight. His family encouraged me not to see him. His sister still has nightmares to this day about what he looked like.

    At 22 I buried my husband. I picked out a coffin, picked out his clothes. I sat by him in the coffin during the whole wake. I held his hand for hours......not wanting to let it go because I knew that would be the last time I ever would get to hold his hand. I kissed him goodbye one last time......not smelling the wonderful aftershave he use to wear, but smelling the embalming fluid that they used on him. I took off his wedding ring, the ring that I gave him just 8 months before when we vowed "till death do us part"........I watched as they lowered that lid on that coffin and cried my heart out. I have never been the same since that day.

    LeRoy died March 9, 1989.......our daughter, Andrea, was born November 11, 1989. The drunk driver......he was never convicted. The town doctor/corriner.....he called me and apologized and eventually left town-leaving his practice. can sit there and give me all the excuses of drinking while under the influence of alcohol........walk in the shoes of victims someday. Take a step inside my mind and relive that pain.........such a senseless death. Such a stupid decision to drink and drive.

    Edited by - scootergirl on 10 November 2002 12:37:8

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