Did the Governing Body sucessfully fend off this bad news on thier TV Broadcast??

by Wasanelder Once 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Remember there was a talk about not listening to "false stories" about sexual abuse from apostates on JW's fantasy station? Did the Governing Body put it out there as preemptive damage control because they knew this was coming? They must have had subpoenas giving them a heads up. Will that ring true with JW's and will they dismiss this scandal because of that talk? I think the die-hard believers will buy into it. On the whole, if there have been over 1000 cases there will be Witnesses who know "someone" who was affected and can now talk about it as a secular matter. This will break some walls down. What do you think?
  • oppostate

    You betcha they knew it was coming.

    Some JW zombies were on Facebook saying how we shouldn't pay attention to the lies on the news and that we were already warned this was going to happen.

    I'm sure there were a lot of excited calls and emails going back and forth between Crooklyn and the Aussie Branch over the Royal Commission's taking a peek in their dirty laundry file cabinet.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Funny thing. . . .

    On the JW broadcast (I think it was actually the daily text) Lett assures everyone that these allegations of sexual abuse are apostate lies. . .

    .. . . . .but not once in this case has any of the elders or CO/DO mentioned this "fact" in their testimony before the state. . .

    If what Lett said was true, wouldn't it completely exonerate them? 😉

    Wonder why they haven't mentioned it. . . . 😎

  • ScenicViewer

    Documents were requested from Watchtower Australia at least as early as Feb, 2015, so they knew it was coming. And I believe the JW TV broadcast was definitely a preemptive strike against the Royal Commission hearing as well as the BBC 4 radio report from a few days ago.

    Leaving Watchtower generally comes from an accumulation of things, a body of evidence, not just one thing. What we are learning from the RC is shocking, far worse than most of us thought. It is bound to have an impact on JWs who are already bothered by some issues, although they may be silent about them, such as the blood issue, shunning family, or continually being asked for money.

    For other Witnesses it may be the first seed of doubt about Watchtower, and many of them will exit in the future as other cracks in Watchtower's armor become apparent to them.

    As for the JW TV remarks, they were painfully inadequate to fight what is happening in Australia.

  • OrphanCrow
    This will break some walls down. What do you think?

    I agree. Especially if the Royal Commission's findings result in criminal prosecution of some of the elders and the higher ups in the Australian branch.

    The ripple effect has yet to reach full tsunami proportions...but it will. The floodgates are opening wider every day. Thank goodness for people like Barbara Anderson and the victims like Candace and others who have come forward already - they truly are heroes. This Royal Commission is such a strong affirmation of all those who have worked so hard for justice.

    Kudos to everybody who has given voice to the unheard - their voices are about to be shouted worldwide. I am willing to shout if I have to, and scream when necessary. I will never be silent. I will go to my grave screaming for justice and retribution for all the victims of this horrible cult.

    Someone will hear...somewhere. We will not be silenced.

  • BluesBrother

    Couple that with the new study mag, Sept, or Oct? that has an article "A Naive Person Believes Every Word" . It says to reject such lies Do not listen to them!....

    Check it on JW,borg.....

  • ToesUp

    Doncha know it's ......PERSECUTION!!!!

    Only the thinkers with thick skin will leave. So many of them have the need to be told what to do and when to do it. Those are the ones that will stay. Then there are the ones who have to stay in for family (I feel for those ones). It has to be brutal for these who have no choice but to stay in or they will loose everything. I think of those ones often (some on this forum). Hang in there and hope for the best. Hopefully all the current events will shake a few.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Why do you think they had new light on the subject of "Gog of Magog"?

    Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

  • sir82

    "Successful" in what sense?

    Brain-dead loyalists will remain brain-dead and loyal. They will continue to contribute.

    In that sense, then "successful" is apt.

    If their goal was to convince fence-sitters to jump down to their side, it is likely too little, too late. But I doubt they care much about them anyway.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Nothing will shake the faith of the true believer.


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