If you were to describe what your status was in the congregation, what would it be? Were you viewed as mature? In "good standing", A pain in the rear? A big-mouth? A jerk?........Do you think that you're viewed differently here?
Describe Your "STATUS" In The Congreg...
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
I was "Doubting Thomas" - I was known for having doubts about the org and frequently had questions that no one could answer.
According to the elders I was nothing but a temptress to their innocent sons.Which was such BS!!!I was so niave it was'nt even funny!
Remember that I was disfellowshipped at eighteen.
I never recovered from that experience spiritually.
I always felt as though I fit in until I reached an older age? Phoenix was the worst, the CO there thought because I was from the south that I was dumb. I guess I proved him right by being there in his way all the time.
I remember one night in the Deer Valley cong., (1996?), they announced that the org needed extra donations. I had been a regular publisher only a couple of months and regular meeting attendance for about a year or so. I ran up to the group of the brothers handling the new program after the Service Meeting and asked for a commitment slip to donate funds. Wow, they looked at me like I had pulled down their jeans and exposed their privates in the middle of the Hall. I never did figure out why they treated me this way? I never put anything else in the contribution box after that, soon it was very difficult to go to the meetings at all. I grew a beard and that kept them away from me? I had these problems in different situations for years.
The congregations where my Dad was present I didn't have as many problems. He was usally an elder or servant and I suppose I was considered off limits.
The problems my kids had were bad for them but I seemed to get through all of that. My kids were marked as bad association even though they were really good kids, they just didn't add up because I guess our field service was limited and not acceptable.
I felt as though I was never doing enough according to the do rights that hovered over the cong.
Edited by - breeze on 6 November 2002 9:28:55
Guest 77
You really don't want to know. Actually, everything was AOK as long as you stay on your side of the fence. In other words, don't interfere with my personal life. As 1 Thess. 4:11 says, "...make it your aim to live a quiet life and mind you own business...". That's exactly how I live my life.
Guest 77
You DO look rather tempting!
from overachiever to bad toad in 0.2 seconds once the questions started coming......
Let's see...I once was called rebellious by an elder, equivalent of Satan by one of my parents, and "too outspoken."
..piss-ant roadkill thats too spiritually weak to guard at the doors.