Speaking about my personal situation, I can't blame anything on nostalgia. There's no nostalgia left. Since 2008, look at how much it's all changed in the big rebranding to JW dot bOrg.
The kingdom songs suck and are creepy as hell. Any of the good ol' familiar classics I used to fall asleep to on cassette as a little kid have been utterly gutted and changed for the worst. Now it's all creepy cults mormony droning that wigs me out and convinces me, "run! get out of here!" every time I return to a big event (memorial/convention).
They've gutted the only remaining positive happy past time of book studies in private homes (with "goody nights" once month).
They've dumbed down the literature into flimsy rags.
The NNWT doesn't sound the same.
The cartoons are so heavy-handed with the guilt/fear child indoctrination bullshit. I'd rather look at bloody pics in my bible story book than be guilted out of my ice cream money or think a laughing snake will descend from the ceiling if I play with the wrong toy. (Will Caleb and Sophia grow with their toddler/tween fan base like Harry potter, or will they stay the same age like Bart & lisa Simpson? Only reason I ask is, I can't wait until they're teenagers and Caleb gets DF'ed for getting a handy from a worldly girl at school because you KNOW they're gonna have an episode where both those kids get dunked in holy water real soon!)
The whole JW logo idol worship and brand name
"Happy" videos
Science denial
hugely homophobic rants from the gb
actually SEEING these GB guys for who they really are (I mean, Lett?!? REALLY??? Come ON!)