Dr. Phil is a Bozo

by troucul 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • troucul

    sorry I had to say that...all this clown does is recycle common knowledge. All he is doing is spewing forth common sense. It's amazing what people will do for money these days. I love how David Letterman makes fun of this idiot. I'm sorry, while I'm sure that there's a boatload of people who love this guy, I ain't buying his crap. He's worse than Oprah!!!--and that's bad.

    If I'm in the mood to get really angry, then I'll watch him. Other than that, there's no need to listen to his verbal diahrea.

    Just bring it

  • Crystal

    I agree 100%.

  • TR

    Dr. Bozo likes to use intimidation. That, and he's a zero without Doh!pra.

    Seriously, I like Dr. Phil's no-nonsense approach, and intimidation.


    Edited by - TR on 6 November 2002 19:24:32

  • arachnia

    I've only seen him twice, and that's quite enough for me. He was spouting off some tripe to people with addictions: "Well there's something missing in your life that you are trying to fill with >insert their particular addiction here< as if that some sort of freaking revelation to them. Thank you, Captain Obvious! =P

  • CoolBreeze
    All he is doing is spewing forth common sense.

    Don't you think it's time somone did?


  • Krazylady

    The thing about common sense is: it isn't common. Look around and you see the lack of it everywhere. It's time someone brought it into 'fashion' and Dr. Phill is making a good start........Krazylady

  • Mulan

    "How's that working for you?" " Duh." "Don't give the payoff."

    Those are my favorite Dr. Phil quotes. I love Dr. Phil. Common sense, yes, but it's the kind no one remembers to use.

  • jazbug

    Dr. Phil is the most popular person on TV right now and I happen to be in love with the guy and his advice.

    And TR, I'm glad you added your last comments as I would have been disappointed if you didn't like him

    In my experience, the people who don't like Dr P's advice are the people who need it most. Yes, it is common sense but he presents it in such a comical way, usually, that it hits people in the heart...or in the butt....whichever needs to be hit. Some people need to be intimidated...as in over controlling people...husbands, bullies, organizations and yes, even some women. Some need to be reminded what common sense is.


  • Solace

    Dr. Phil kicks bootie

    He tells people how it is! Yeah, most of its all common sense, but for some odd reason, these people either cant figure it out or wont admit the obvious.

  • Sabine

    I like Dr. Phil, he's cute. He does need to slow down when walking off stage with his petite wife though, he practically drags her off stage with him.

    Seriously, did he ever do a show on exiting cults? There was a poster that claimed to be in communication with his show about her jw/shunning experience...did I miss it?

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