What is your favorite music video? After Shes my cherry pie, I like Foo Fighters Learn to Fly
Favorite Music Video
by WildTurkey 139 Replies latest social entertainment
Man this is tough WT, so many! I would have to say anything that shows the female body explicitly Shakira, Christina Aguilera you know stuff like that!
Canadian District Overbeer
Although quite a while ago, I always liked the Cars, Drive. Nothing fancy or special effects filled, just a nice video, I think.
Lew W (of the aging rocker class)
I'm thinkin along the same lines as Beans...but with men in it like Lenny Kravitz. It's harder for men to pull off a sexy video though. On a local station they were making fun of the lead singer in Creed, spoofin his song..."my shirt's wide open"...too funny.
I'm not a big fan of music videos. Most of them don't make any sense to me. However, I do enjoy videos that include live concert footage. I also enjoy live concert DVD's or bootleg concert videos.
jaded (also of the aging rocker class, which is probably why I just don't get the music video thing)
"Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel. Great graphics, groundbreaking for its time (admittedly I'm stuck in the 80's).
Big Tex
Take on Me by Aha (1985). That was the one in which penciled illustrations were interwoven with live action.
Take It Away by Paul McCartney (1981). Ringo Starr played drums; John Hurt made an appearance.
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (1983). Hate Joel; but I gotta vote for any video with Christie Brinkley in it.
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer (1986). The all-girl band in the background with those very red lips. WOW!
Talking in Your Sleep by The Romantics (1984). Dozens of teenage girls standing around in the video in assorted and sundry "sleepwear" made my pants go crazy.
You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon with Chevy Chase doing a deadpan imitation playing a trumpet.
Van Halen's Jump and Hot for Teacher
Toni Basil - Hey Mickey -- where those cheerleaders all male; all female or both? Inquiring minds want to know.
Yes and who could forget Cyndi Lauper's classic Girls Just Want to Have Fun?
All Madonna videos, also Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Creed, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Dede likes Red Hot Chili Peppers cause of thier socks!