Isn't It Ironic

by kelpie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelpie

    I was reading the post on our standing within the congregation and no matter what part of the world we live in, its always the same thing.

    It is always the Elders kids that get away with murder while the ones that are really trying to do the right thing always get blamed for it.

    When I would mention this to my mum she would always reply with, Satan has already got them. He is trying to get you.. If you are getting persecuted.. it means you are doing the right thing.

    Does that sound strange to anyone other then me?


  • Beck_Melbourne

    G'day Kelps

    That's the same propaganda I was taught by my mother. For as long as you were doing the right thing (ie. being faithful beyond all means) Satan would target you for persecution and would try and make you lose or compromise your faith.

    Of course this is how mind control works...because no matter what goes wrong, you can blame Satan and it is meant to make you stronger. When things go right, BLESSINGS for all the times you endured when things went wrong. What a load of tripe!!


  • DakotaRed

    Although I wasn't raised a JW, I heard that same statement too. I often heard it from the elders who were actually doing the persecuting themselves. I was told too that Satan can use the "brothers" too, but never received a reply as to how he and God could both be working within the congregation at the same time.

    Seems just another contrived statement designed to keep you in line and justify their abuse.

    Lew W

  • sister grace
    sister grace

    that all is so famillar. everything that happens is either Jehovah or Satan. Just once i would have loved someone take the blame. But being raised as an elders kid i can tell you that was not much fun. everything you did was watched everyone was just waiting to juomp on anything they could. it is so sick to think i was caught up in that kind of thinking. once i was with a group of kids in service when my car broke down in front of a pool hall before we could walk to a service station down the street there was already a call to my parents about where our car was and surely we must be in the pool hall. those people are sick you can not be a kid in the org

  • Prisca

    I agree with sister grace.

    Life as an elder's child is not exactly fun and games. You are always being observed, and are expected to be on your best behaviour all the time. You are told that anything you do will reflect on your family, and especially, your father's position as elder. You must set an example to the congregation's kids, lest you become a bad example to the rest of the congregation.

    I remember being told this when I was 5 years old. Imagine what that does to a child that age? (Fortunately my father stepped down when I was 7, but many in the congregation still saw him as an elder, if not in name.)

    If their childhood is spent on a figurative stage, it's no wonder so many elder's kids go off the rails, and do their best to cover it up, or change the story when it's told to their parents. Their minds have been screwed with from the beginning of life - don't judge a person unless you've walked in their shoes.

  • ozziepost

    You are always being observed, and are expected to be on your best behaviour all the time. You are told that anything you do will reflect on your family, and especially, your father's position as elder.

    their childhood is spent on a figurative stage

    Absolutely true, Pris!

    Unfortunately the attitudes that prevade some congs can be carried over into exJW life - the elders' kids are still getting knocked!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Gopher
    the elders' kids are still getting knocked!!

    Knocked? Which way, Ozzie? Up or down?

  • Elders_Kid
    It is always the Elders kids that get away with murder while the ones that are really trying to do the right thing always get blamed for it.

    I beg to differ. I was told in by my judicial committe that I didn't commit any disfellowshipping offenses, but that I had established a pattern of unrepentance. I believe that elders kids are held to a higher standard than the rest of the congregation, adults included.

    You are told that anything you do will reflect on your family, and especially, your father's position as elder.

    I can't count all the times that I was told this, and told by my father how embarassing it is to have to deal with his son getting into trouble. It seems that they never learn, and now that I have no contact with any of my JW family (their choice, not mine), it pains me to see that they are forced to choose a religion, or more specifically their status within the religion, over family.


  • Dia

    "...a pattern of unrepentance".

    Well now, that could be the start of a new thread in itself.

    The unique phrases that JWs use to control others. Concepts that you will not hear anywhere else in life.

    Things that are a real challenge to wrap your mind around but which - always? - lead to a further irradication of your sense of self, worth or value.

    You know, Christ died for mankind, but that doesn't mean he died for YOU.

  • dobby

    I always struggled with that kind of reasoning. But its designed to keep you trapped in a vicious cycle. Being a witness can make you depressed and an outcast and even the object of ridicule, but you are told that's the way you should feel because Satan is persecuting you. However you are constantly told that Jah is a god of happiness, so, if you are not happy then you are doing something wrong and you need to try harder.

    There is often a double standard with discipline when it is an elder's relative. I have seen it too many times not to believe it. the sad thing is that when it is noticed in the congregation people say something like what your mom said or they say that if the elder has done something wrong Jah will reveal it. However if you call out the elder(s) on favoritism you are branded an apostate.

    This is enough to drive anyone crazy. Become a witness - and LOSE YOUR MIND!

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