Am I Living In Sin

by kelpie 28 Replies latest social relationships

  • PopeOfEruke

    Is boinking anything at all like bonking?


  • riz

    hey kelpie,

    you only live once. i'm sure that some of us here who married too young out of fear of being disfellowshipped wish that we could go back and 'kiss a few frogs' before we found a prince.

    enjoy yourself and don't harbor all of that guilt. it's not healthy.


  • Mackin
    Am I Living In Sin?

    I thought you were living in Canberra? Am I living in Auckland?


  • Yerusalyim

    Technically, in a biblical sense, yes, you are sinning unless he is your first and only.

    Then again, I'm not your judge, I wasn't celebate when I was single (but was faithful when married).

  • LyinEyes

    According to JW standards, fornication, adultery, smoking, getting drunk are all enough to get you d/f.

    If you don't do enough field service time and make all the meetings, etc. you probably won't survive armeggedon according to JW standards.

    If you visit and talk to know apostates on this site, you are the devil and will not make it thru armeggedon according to JW.

    You have to be 100% perfect even qualify for a maybe of God's grace. That is something most people can not live up to. I bet you there are many, many JW's out there with "secret sins", going on.

    I think , in my case the things I do, that are not JW standards, I will just trust that God will judge me in a just way. I will not ever let men tell me what is right and wrong anymore. I do not even trust the bible , and that is where laws come from and most churchs adhere to these laws, but maybe not as much as JW's. Take for instance homosexuality,,,,,,,,, I have always felt that God would not destroy someone just because they did not fit the so called norm. That goes contray to what the bible says,I know, but I just never felt that was right. I guess I have always had issues with the Bible and especailly the way JW's twist and use the scriptures to prove their point.

    I really think if we are God fearing people, we have to trust that we do most good and try to be the best people we can be. And to also put it in his hands to judge us, only he knows our heart and what we have been thru.

  • simplesally
    Sin? Not in my book. Which btw, is a better book than the bible.

    Sixy, do have extra copies of your book?? Is it ready for distribution? Maybe we all could door to door with that book!

  • seven006


    Your comment reminds me of that quote from my friend Barbara I told you about on the phone:

    "Religion is good for one thing and one thing only, it keeps stupid people from fucking on park benches."


    Edited by - seven006 on 7 November 2002 11:58:56

  • outoftheorg

    Hey 006.

    Watch it there man! I don't like to be called stupid!!!

    You are a sinner. Everyone on this post is a sinner.

    I am a sinner, but I resent being called stupid.


  • COMF

    Who defines what sin is, for you? If it's you, then whether or not you're sinning is your determination. If it's somebody else, ask them.

  • seven006


    My quote wasn't directed specifically to you. If you see it that way then that would be something you need to deal with on your own. I do not recognize the word "sin" and I if I cared enough about the subject I would resent being called something that is used as a tool to manipulate those who need religion to tie their shoes for them. You calling me a sinner is no different from my friend whom I quoted from seeing religious people as stupid. I personally did not call anyone stupid. Read my post correctly and you may be able to see that.

    If you need to hang your hat as well as your personal levels of security on another controlling religious philosophy after you left the JW's that is entirely up to you. Just don't expect those of us who have seen clearly through the controlling game of all religion, myths, mystic philosophy, voodoo, and the boogie man, etc., to agree with you. Some of us have the ability to think for ourselves and run our own lives without being so called "god fearing" people.

    If you need to label us all "sinners" so you can sleep a little better at night that knock your socks off. I personally think the word "sin" as well as it's conceptual interpretation is childish and controlling and I don't need such bullshit in my life. But, that's just me and my personal opinion. I may be wrong, I was wrong twice last week alone.

    Chill out a little and don't take this board so serious.

    Buddha loves you.


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