When do you want to die?

by WhyNow2000 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    Neon, I filled out my paperwork well in advance, the reaper will be hearing from my lawyers.

  • maxwell

    Actually I wish I didn't have to die. I do have a preference that when I go, it is quick. I'd rather not have a slow suffering death. So with that said, I'm like another poster. I don't want to be around long if I get to the point where I can't control bodily functions or am paralyzed over most of my body or am living in constant excrutiating pain with no independence. And I mean this if that is the situation when I'm old. If I'm in a car accident next week and I get paralyzed on most of my body, I think I'd like to stick around a while longer. However, if I get to 110 and I can still stay at my own place with no help and go get my own groceries or perhaps just have them delivered, I think I could still enjoy myself a while.

  • riz

    i'm with ashi on this one.

    i don't think i could handle anymore deaths in my family. i wanna go first.

  • Matty

    According to http://www.deathclock.com , I'm gonna die on Thursday, March 7, 2041, a little more than eight years before Jo.

  • Mackin

    Hey Matty, what a brilliant site. I'm LMAO.

    I'm outta here on Thursday, January 13, 2033 going by the normal setting.

    or according to the "Sadistic" setting, I've been dead since Saturday, January 13, 1996

    I wondered what the smell was.


  • WhyNow2000

    According to http://www.deathclock.com

    If my mode is:

    Sadistic - Friday, December 24, 2004 - Good Bye Friends, use my life insurance $$$ wisely

    Pessimistic - Sunday, November 12, 2017

    Normal - Tuesday, December 24, 2041

    Optimistic - Friday, February 2, 2057

  • teenyuck

    Per the deathclock, Tuesday, July 16, 2041. I have some partying to do before that so you won't see me for awile....

    If I become pessimistic I'll go on a Tuesday....April 25, 2017....that means I really need to party! I think I'll remain normal.

    Might as well do it now, before the clock ticks out and I can't make my own martinis!

    Tina of the Shaken, Not Stirred class

    Love the site Matty...I put in my mom's info and pessimistic...she should be dead by now...in 1996! Maybe that is when armageddon happened and we just don't know it?!

  • freedom96

    Not until my 90's, and have lived life to the full.

  • Bendrr

    That deathclock site is pretty morbid IMO.

    According to it, I could either go on Monday, July 4, 2022 at the tender age of 50 if I don't maintain an optimistic outlook or if I keep my hopes up I'll make it to the age of 73 and croak on Sunday, August 13, 2045.

    First things first, I'm making it a point to be more optimistic. When that's impossible because I'm a realist, I'll make it a point to find something good to think about and not dwell on the negatives.

    Both dates suck. There's no way I'm going at 50, much less on the 4th of July. I don't like dying at the young age of 73 either. Hell, at 73 I'll barely be getting started collecting Social Security. Me, I want to bust a hundred before I go.

    Robert D. Raiford (commentator on the John Boy & Billy morning radio show. Also played the district attorney in the movie Carrie 2.) is in his 70's, rides a Harley, and skydives.


  • mouthy

    Any time after Oct 20th 2003- That is when my life insurance is paid up. I paid for my grave-& to dig it up-& the coffin in Sept. It cost me $275.a month for 12 months So I would like to leave my kids

    (one a JW) the other one out) $8 thousand my insurance will pay out then,

    Now dont tell me I dont want to die-I DO but not painfully-( I suffer pain everyday anyway- with RA,

    & OP,Diabetus.resticted eshopugus)- But I am in perfect health other wise YEAH!!!! RIGHT.

    My son,my 2 daughters went before me- So It will be a family reunion( hope hubby is there also I have a lot to say sorry for!!!!!!) But as I said- before methinks he is guarding the gates -& Begs St Paul " Please dont let her up here yet-it IS heaven without her!!!!!!!" Guess St Paul is listening......

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