For mensa members only

by kelsey007 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    Larc, although you think I'm talking utter bullshit about IQ tests, I'm sure you will acknowledge that I am certainly not the only person on this planet with this view. I have a huge respect for your opinion here and I will certainly read the information that you have presented.

  • larc

    Seven, if you dropped two people into the outback, one who had read books and had an above average IQ, and one who had not read books and had a below average IQ, which of the two, on average across a number of pair wise experiments would be most likely to survive. I have great appreciation for your intelligence, but not for your hypothetical.

  • ballistic

    Never mind larc Matty, he is liberal with the BS.

  • ballistic


  • larc

    Matty, it would take you a very long time, indeed, to read everything I have suggested. I am not in the mood right now, but I might write a succinct summary in the future. I wrote it once before at Simon's place, but that was a long time ago, and I don't remember the context where it was addressed. The reason I don't know where it is at, is because I am not a mensa member. Hey, a few more IQ points, and I could have been a contender. (Smiles)

  • myself

    I prefer common sense over IQ test scores.

  • larc

    Myself, what is the difference between common sense and IQ test scores? Implied in your comment is that people with high IQs don't have common sense. Can you prove that? Common sense is very uncommon in our time, especially among people with low IQs.

  • myself

    larc, I do know some people who do score high in IQ tests but they don't have common sense. They can't deal with daily issues. I have heard some pretty stupid comments from them because they didn't think things through before opening their mouth. They don't impress me. My reply was not a generalization of people with high IQ's, it was a statement of my preference. I would rather deal with someone who has common sense especially in dealing with daily life. Common sense uncommon? You must hang around a with a different crowd of people then I do.

  • rem

    I think there are plenty of people with low IQ's that lack common sense. I'm not sure where IQ comes into the picture. Myself, are you saying that there is a correlation between low IQ's and common sense? I think this is a myth of "those people think they're so smart, but they lack common sense".


  • myself

    rem, no I am not saying that there is any connection between low IQ's and common sense. I am not impressed with IQ tests. Sure there are people with low IQ's that also lack common sense, but there are also people with high IQ's that also lack common sense. I prefer good judgement in dealing with life. A high IQ does not mean that you have good judgement. Common sense gives you good judgement.

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