When I was about 11 years old me and my two(not so bright)sisters were at a hotel swimming pool.I was sitting by the pool watching my one sister(we will call her K) that could barely swim herself teach my other sister who was terrified of water(we will call her B) how to swim.They started out in shallow end swimming underwater when B went off course and ended up in the deep end.When she came up she started panicing and K went over to help her. B grabed on to K pushing her under water and then K paniced and pushed B under trying to stay above water.They did this cute little routine for a while (Up pops K down goes K Up pops B down goes B)If it was'nt so life threatening It would of been hilarious.(I did start laughing...at first)Then it got to the point where i knew i had to do something because they were getting ready to drown...they were swallowing tons of water and there was no time to get help. There where no floation devices anywhere!!!So I sat on the little latter and stuck both my legs out as far as they would go and told them to grab a leg, they did.They layed next to the pool for about 30 minutes spitting out water and crying.We never told mom.
Have you ever saved a life?
by Crystal 18 Replies latest jw friends
Guest 77
As a high steel ironworker you come into situations where sheer negligence is responsible for accidents and deaths. I could give many examples but the one that sticks in my mind about saving a life is when my partner went for some drinking water. The water cooler had been sitting on the crane/rig, and as he was drinking the water with his back to the crane,the crane operater unwares of my partner being besides the crane began to swing the crane around, in the meantime I saw what was happening and I was yelling and gesturing to my partner that the crane was circling, my partner instinctively ducked as the crane passed over his head. He would have been sliced in half.
I had a brother that fell six floors at the transportation building in Boston some 14 years ago and survived. The paramedics saved his life.
Guest 77
You were right not to tell Mom. What Mom's don't know, won't hurt them. When my kids tell me some of the things that happened to them, or their siblings, when they were younger, I wish they hadn't! For example: I really didn't want to know that little Ashi knocked down baby brother's bassinette when Mom was in the bathrooom. Little Ashi picked up the baby and put him back in the bassinette before Mom was the wiser!!!!! Explains some of the problems little baby brother has today!
As far as saving anyone: Mom's are always saving their kids from one tradegy or another. Name a kid, and I have a story for you. Just goes with the territory.
Mrs. Shakita(who has many grey hairs-which I dye blondfrom my kids misadventures)
About 10 years ago, I rescued a guy from his car that had flipped 4 times after being broadsided by a dipshit that ran a stop sign. I had just finished CPR and emergency rescue training when this happened. Made sure that he had no broken bones, and had to keep the gathering crowd at bay until the paramedics arrived. This happened right in front of my house.
If dragging some asshole friend heroin addict to the hospital after his last OD yeah...I guess so.
District Overbeer
around the early 1970's I was visiting my folks, from montreal. it was winter. my mom wanted to know if i would take my sisters skating on the river and I said sure. so we went down to the marina as it was the most popular area for ice skating it was the widest part of the river. so the girls were skating around and i decided to walk out to the wooden pylons for docking boats under the bridge. and I sat down. the girls were having a great time. then my middle aged sister skated over to me and she was talking to me and all of a sudden a look of panic came over her face. she said Terry i am going through the ice and i said stop horsing around and then all of a sudden the ice starts cracking around us. now my other sister never listens to me so in the most firmest voice i have i told her to stay on the other side to the river and not to move or she would go through the ice all t h e w hile I am trying to calm my sister and holding her from going through the ice as it was now breaking around the dock post. She was almost breaking my arm and i told her to relax or we'll both go in the deep water. i have her draped on my body and i am trying desperately to shuffle my body to the next docking post as the ice was firm there. I told her i am one firm ice and told her let go of my body or your going to kill me. She finally let go and in a state of shock I was able to get her off the ice and into the car, and all the while screaming at my baby sister not to budge or she'll be sorry. with my sister in the car safe and my heart skiping a few beats or two or three I managed to talk my sister across the river further down and safely I may add. When I got to my parents home my mom knew something was wrong as I sped into the driveway life Mario Andretti and she come running out and said what was wrong and my sister was in terrible shock and then my mom went into shock as she can't handle trama. Anyway she survived and so did mom and my heart started pumping normally again.
In 1983, a boyfriend I had went to bed with a wad of gum in his mouth and fell asleep, in the middle of the night he jumped up on the bed realizing he could not breath, the gum lodged in his throat, so I got behind him and gave his upper stomach a good squeeze [Heimlich-manuever], and the gum shot across the room! So, that's how I saved his dumb ass!!!!!....rocky220
We were on vacation a few years ago and a friend of the family, who knew not how to swim, dove into the deep end of the pool. Needless to say, she sank immediately and could not come to the surface. I jumped in and got her out.
One of the first times I was in charge of the nursery at work, one of the other nurses asked me to bath one of the babies she was looking after while she took care of some other tasks with the patients she was working with.
Now normally when a baby chokes, they are very noisy about it. But as I approached the bassinette of this quiet little baby I was going to bath - who was dropped off just moments before - I felt ill when I saw her colour - she was grey-blue, and not responding to any stimulation.
I grabbed her and stripped off all her blankets and the little gown she was wearing and brought her over to the exam table and started giving oxygen, still rubbing my thumb up her back and across her feet trying to stimulate her. Her eyes were rolled back and glazed over, she wasn't improving at all. I was alone in the nursery and needed help, so I rang the emergency bell and the bell to page the NICU.
Within seconds, there were half a dozen other nurses in the nursery, and the NICU nurse began suctioning the baby's airway. The sight of the baby's chest and abdomen sucking in as wads of mucus were being vaccuumed out of her is one I'll never ever forget.
The baby was fine in the end, but I will always be glad that I was there at just the right time. I know if I'd been another minute or so, the baby wouldn't have survived.
Love, Scully
i suppose I did when my son chocked on a piece of apple, he was little so I had to hold him upside down and somehow we got it up, when I put him upright he swallows it again. that time he coughed it out. then i raced to the bathroom with him so he could throw up. sorry for that last sentance.