Dearest 'Dragon... peace to you!
Your post is quite thought-provoking and I would like to say that religions DO change... all the time! That is why you have the "Orthodox" this and the "Reformed" that. But not always for the good. For example, one thing that a lot of religions miss, though, once they're established, is that they are based... on understanding at the time of institution! Which is a "danger" when dealing with religions: "this is what we believe/think/teach... and we want people who believe/think/teach... like us!"
I will give you an example: prior to knowing my Lord as I now do, I thought I had faith. Hey, I was the quintessential "J-dub sista'"! Of course, I had faith! And yet, soon after having revealed himself to me, my Lord also revealed to me... that I did NOT have faith; in fact did not even know what it truly was... and what tiny bit ("mustard seed") I had to even hear and see him... was GIVEN me... by him! On my own, I had nothing. Now, early on, that was something a bit "hard" to swallow: "I have faith, Lord, truly I do!" I have since learned that I wasn't even in the running [of the race] for faith... heck, I couldn't even compete in the "special olympics" for that one! I have since also been taught that I did not have love, I did not have peace, I did not have a plethora of things... and am still working on them... particularly self-control (I have a weakness for chocolate, although a diabetic... among many others greater things of self-control that I work on, but praise Jah there is a savior to "rescue" me!). But... I had to be willing to acknowledge that what he showed me... about MYSELF... was true: I was not what and where I thought I was!
My point: TRUE "christianity" is progressive. It has to be. As my Lord said, "I have many things which I have not told you... yet... which you are unable to bear." When we are "concieved" as "christians"... we are at an embryotic stage, which much be nourished in order to grow. And as we RECEIVE nourishment... by means of eating from the Tree of Life... we GROW! Such growth does not happen all at once, overnight. True, the calling can and does... but as it is said, once that occurs, "And God... will FINISH YOUR TRAINING."
Problem is, when folks start building entire institutions on what they believe at a given time, they do not leave room for such growth, for clearer understanding of what truly was "hazy" initially... although they did not know it at the time. And no, this is not one of those "the light gets brighter" deals - the Light has ALWAYS been bright, always will be. What is SUPPOSED to occur... is as it is written:
"The PATH of the righteous one gets brighter and brighter!"
That means that the individual's PERSONAL WALK... on the "Way" of Life... gets brighter as he/she gets closer to the Light. True, what is around that one gets "illuminated", but more than that, what he/she truly IS... or is not... gets illuminated! He... she. His or her OWN nakedness gets exposed, so that he or she... PERSONALLY... can "put on clothing". What is that "nakedness" that is revealed? His or her own heart... and its darkness... its LACK of light... so that its holds within it... hatred and/or hypocrisy. How is that darkness covered up? How is that nakedness clothed? With LOVE, born of a NEW personality... one existing in love.
Now, I am as guilty as the next guy of wanting to stop at the "elementary" understanding... as "mature" understanding sometimes came with the thought that I would have to abandon a previous thought, understanding... or level. But the benefits have been GREAT: as I have discarded rules and regulations... law... for LOVE... and faith... those two "fruits" of my Father's spirit against which there IS NO LAW... have grown in me! Not only that, it seems that as they grow (along with the others), rather than crowding out new growth, they actually EXPAND the size of my heart... so that MORE CAN GROW! Does that mean that I am now "without law"? No, it simply means that if whatever I do I do in love... there can be no law against it. It is only those things that I do outside of love, joy, faith, kindness, mildness, goodness, long-suffering and self-control... which are subject to law. And for THOSE things... there is a "ransom".
Religionists, though, and people who attempt to adhere to "law" do so... out of FEAR! Change... takes COURAGE... and it also takes being able to look at what you are... and where you were... and while you may "see" that it was wrong, see also that it was, for whatever reason, necessary. You had to know what "law" was... before you could TRANSCEND it... with LOVE! You have to know what "transgressing law" is... not only to be able to ask to be forgiven... but to be able to FORGIVE!
And even more than change... love... takes courage. It is quite easy to hate, to judge, to hold a grudge, to point the finger and condemn; truly, it is in the "nature" we inherited from Adam to do these things. However, IF we allow ourselves to "inherit" a "nature" that is from God... then we will have the courage... to love. Always... and everyone.
Why is that important? Because religions (particularly "christian") tend to keep their folks in line with fears regarding dying at Armageddon, going to Hell, being rejected from God's good grace, etc. However, my Lord did not "gain" followers by such teachings: he gained them, by LOVING them! When they were hungry, he fed them. When they were sick, he healed them. And he taught them not to WORRY... about ANYTHING... including their "place" with him. Even when they disappointed him... even when they denied HIM... even when they said they would NOT put faith in him... he never disappointed them, he never denied them... and he always had faith... in them.
There should be no fear in change, but there is, because change threatens what was in existence before, just as my Lord's message of change threatened the Jewish system. But as my Father has said, through my Lord... "Look! I am making ALL things... new!" And to me, that denotes change. And I am quite ready for it... even if it means I, SJ, have to change... what I think, what I believe, what I teach. Because if it is TRUTH, then none of it is mine anyway, but what I have received from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, his Father and mine, JAH... of Armies.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,