Working hard at nothing all day

by RubyTuesday 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • willdabeerman

    i am the BUDWEISER man... u know the cool guy that sells all the kegs and bottles to all of your favorite bars and help me and my fellow brothers out. drink more bud!...;-)

  • DakotaRed

    I'm a car mechanic, oops, automotive technician at a local Dodge dealer where I do mostly heavy line engine repairs and such. I also do driveability, AC and other assorted repairs. But mostly, if you don't change your oil and ruin the engine, it comes to me.

    Lew W

  • LuckyLucy

    Race Car Driver.

    not really ...busdriver.

  • freeman

    Im a sr. systems engineer and I get paid to play with the air traffic control system in a city that is now missing two really big buildings thanks to some nut cases that wanted to hang out with 70 virgins and see Allah up real close. Mostly its a boring job, so I surf the net all day but once in a while my day is punctuated with moments of sheer terror when the systems goes down. I have a blanket and pillow for when the boredom gets to be too much, and a clean change of underwear for the other times.


  • myself

    Sales Manager (for a company that remanufactors cv axles)

  • scumrat

    Investor service rep for a mutual fund company in Boston

  • sisteract

    I'm an optician--basically the pharmacists for eyeglass prescriptions.

  • Kingpawn

    Work third shift production in a meat-processing plant. Lab coats and hard hat we have to wear makes many of us look like walking Zero candy bars.

  • els

    I'm a waitress at a Italian restaurant/pizzeria. I was the headwaitress till I had a huge blowup with the owner this summer and told him I wasn't going to do it anymore. My job is much easier now but I'm still working on my top ten waitresses pet peeves list. els

  • Valis

    I teach computer science at a community college when I'm not finding good porn on the Internet..


    District Overberr of the "Porn and Microprocessors" class

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